MyCryptoBank: An Innovative Banking Project Based On The EOS Blockchain Technology

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

At a time when traditional banking institutions are just beginning to embrace the potential of innovation with fintech firms,some business projects may disrupt the entire banking ecosystem once again. The banking ecosystem is in a state of transformation. Incipient fintech entrants are coming into the emporium conventionally, while traditional providers are endeavoring to adjust to the realities of digitalization, advanced technology and incrementing consumer demands. Peregrinating from a competitive perspective, traditional financial institutions and fintech organisation now understand that collaboration may be the best path to long-term magnification.Understanding the opportunity and being able to take action on this opportunity are not identically tantamount thing, however. Between differing cultures, astronomically different infrastructures and an ever transmuting compliance playing field, collaboration between banking and fintech is far from simple, derailing many proposed partnerships. There is one innovative and astounding project that is about to disrupt the banking ecosystem. The project is called The project aim to engender an online bank sanctioning any client registered in the electronic bank system to make a gamut of bank operations, supplemental operations with cryptocurrency(payment processing,debit cards,credits and frugal investment products,utilization of cryptoassets as credit security and many others) predicated on Blockchain technology without visit of department.


The conception is to provides accommodations of client’s remote access to accounts, products and bank accommodations in order to make banking operations. MyCryptoBank offers its clients a multifunctional platform of banking accommodation, which represents a hybrid system cumulating digital and traditional currencies. The utilization of blockchain technology digital currencies makes operations more expeditious and more frugal, while traditional currencies guarantee virtually all-round acceptance and validity. One account coalescence sanctions clients simultaneously utilizing advantages of both types of currencies. MyCryptoBank will become a plenarily digital bank, accessible all over the world and at any moment. It will make all functions of a typical bank but without any bank departments and front-offices maximum relying on incipient digital technologies. This will sanction The bank project to become one of the most inexpensive banks in the world with very remuneratively lucrative level of cost-to-profit ratio.In modern world states are divided into 2 camps: fortifying cryptocurrencies and those institutions endeavoring to proscribe it due to threat to economy. And even in those cases, which adhere to cryptocurrencies,for example Estonia where the license sanctioning to work with cryptocurrencies can be received,banks block client accounts, who anyway are cognate to cryptocurrencies.And such a quandary subsists in many countries.Banks sabotage the process of its implementation in everyday life, vigorously perturbing the apertures of such accounts for companies, performing ICO, and withal may block the account of such company at any moment. This engenders an astronomically immense quandary for the cryptocommunity, which would relish to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, accept and send funds in fiat mazuma (mazuma of different countries USD. With the so many downfalls and quandaries associated with the traditional banking ecosystem,it calls for a total restructuring of the banking ecosystem. MyCryptoBank is orchestrating to do the restructuring utilizing the blockchain technology. It will become the first bank for crypto community, sanctioning clients to receive and send funds in cryptocurrencies and fiat mazuma and additionally exchange between cryptocurrencies and fiat mazuma inside the bank. With MyCryptoBank it will be possible to engender deposits,receive loans and credits. The bank will engender an infrastructure which will sanction setting acquiring and merchants for goods payment for companies and online accommodations EUR, RUB etc.) for token purchase when performing ICO and further free transfer mazuma all over the world without trepidation of account blocking. Clients will be able to receive bank cards and with the avail of it they will take available funds through any ATM in the world and additionally pay in shops, restaurants etc. For client accomodation, the bank plans to install ATM and crypto ATM, availing in making operations on cryptocurrency purchase and cash receipt with minimum fees. In the conventional sense, it will be typical bank with the gamut of accommodations but staunch to cryptocurrencies and cryptocommunity. It will give an indisputable advantage over other financial institutions, magnetize many clients and their funds for engenderment of bank’s positive liquidity and sanction fortifying and developing all products of MyCryptoBank. To ken more about the project please read the whitepaper here:
MCB TOKEN is the central element of MyCryptoBank segment,integrating all components of the financial ecosystem. All ecosystem tokens will be issued in the course of the ICO,with no possible adscititious emission
upon ICO completion. The project token is a UTILITY TOKEN, used for internal functioning of the platform, giving access to defined accommodations, depending on number of tokens, held by the utilizer. The project is develop based on the EOS blockchain technology.
MyCryptobank project is led by a team of experience people who consisit of blockchain developers,advisors,engineers and marketing consultants. With their efforts they can deal with any challenge that emanate from the project execution. We optate the team prosperity in all their endearvour.
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EOS Account Name: cryptomagnet