Suppoman EXPOSED as a scammer. Why you should NEVER listen to any youtuber and always do your own research.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

So in this post I wanted to talk about and go over the two recent PnD's -- CHC and SYNX and also talk about a few youtubers who are abusing their viewer's trust and using it to make money by tricking and stealing from the poor, innocent people that are coming into crypto.

So let's start off with CHC.

CHC was a no-name coin that the devs' abandoned and no one knew existed -- until it was picked up but this youtube called "HighonCoins" and chosen for an "Experiment" called Advanced Hodling or Pump and Hodl.

The Pump and Hodl technique was supposedly a way to make everyone who bought the coin money because if they kept buying and no one dumped the price would keep increasing -- and this is true to an extent -- but why pump if you're not taking profits off the increased price? Well, there's the sly bit -- as he kept yelling at everyone and telling them to BUILD WALLS, I'm sure he was dumping into their innocent buy walls and then blaming other people for manipulating the market.

He's shown the community behind this technique 0 proof that he even hodls any of his coins but for some reason, a bunch of people still believe in this manipulative bs and still buy into CHC.

The coin was pumped from $0.10 (the price the youtuber bought at) all the way to $6 -- so much so that it went from rank #200 on coinmarketcap to #50. Now that all the people who bought in intially are dumping and that some people are realizing that it's never going to go back up to the old high are selling the price is falling and it's fallen under $1. So people who bought in higher lost a ton of money and are just left hodling bags or only have the option of selling for a huge loss.

Now let's talk about SYNX.

SYNX is another coin that was left dead by the developers for a while until a bunch of people who missed out on the CHC PnD wanted to make money. They created a slack group and tried emulating the CHC scam exactly -- convincing everyone to set walls and not sell.

Here's a video made by one of their community members that tells everyone to keep hodling -- but if you look closely you can see the dude has a sell order already placed for 30% profits. How fucking ironic eh?

Look closely at around the 2:10 min mark.

Credits for video : Ash Roulston @ashr

Now let's talk about another youtuber called "Suppoman"

What this guy does is just sad -- he doesn't know shit and keeps shilling his Udemy course on his channel -- which if people buy, get access to an amazing facebook group with experienced traders and professionals -- or that's what he says.

The funny thing is even his Udemy course sucks -- here's a video of him explaining market depth.

It's honestly quite disgusting that he uses and takes advantage of all the people that take his Udemy course and join his shitty Facebook group.

Here's some proof from his very own exclusive facebook group that he's nothing more than a pathetic pump and dump scammer.

He's not the only one though, there are multiple pretending like they're trying to help people out but are just using them instead.

Trevon James and Craig Grant exposed --(,

So please do your own research whether it's based on fundamentals or technicals before getting into a coin -- most of these youtubers just tell you to blindly buy into a coin so they can dump on you later. Remember that this is the real world and most if not all people are looking for a way to make money for THEMSELVES and not YOU.

Please share and resteem this post so it can reach as many people as possible and educate them against these youtubers and PnD scams.



Even suppo himself tells you not to listen to him. Do your own research, he just shares his opinion and I really value that. I dont have time and knowldge to learn about all the coins and he provides me with lots of info. He's given so many coins bad reviews, he's not a total shiller. Get a life hater .

OK i'm just going to play devils advocate a little bit here:

"why pump if you're not taking profits off the increased price?"

the whole point was it's a masternode coin so you buy a masternode and make passive income.

High On Coins (HOC from here on out) specifically said not to pump this coin too fast, and that they had sell walls in order to keep this from getting parabolic. He advised his followers to place sell walls then with the money repost buy walls.

HOC advised people in his channel that if they pump the coin too fast, if they let the coin get parabolic, his followers would dump on them. If it dropped they would place walls to get it to go back up.

When Trevon's followers jumped on board they had no idea what they were doing and just went en masse to flood the coin. When this happened it spiked exponentially, and the sells were just as violent since Trevon had already dumped and told his followers to dump.

Trevon has more subs on youtube than HOC, and that is only checking today. I am sure that many of these subs for HOC are added since the CHC pump. Given this logic, Trevon's pull had much more weight than HOC at the time. A possible theory concludes that Trevon pumping it on his show and subsequently dumping it either caused it to be uncontrollable for HOC and his legion were unable to defend from the incoming hordes of dumb money.

This is what happens when the legion gets out of control.

Is synx related to HOC? or related to Trevon? or related to Suppoman? Seems just some people took HOC idea and then tried to put that to use in order to rape some noobs.

As far as Suppoman, I won't argue with you there.

I paid for Suppoman's course, I learned from it. Made money from being part of his group. He gives some good advice and he says, RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH and don't invest what you cannot lose. As long as Suppo and his group makes me $$, I will stick with him.

As for your screenshot of Suppoman's FB post, that was taken from a private group. You lack trust I see... Anyways, Suppoman believes in a certain coin as do many of us. It only makes sense that we get the word out on how good the project is to see that it is successful for all.

It's like when you download a browser you really like. Such as BRAVE which is stage one of the Basic Attention Token. So when I tell everyone to install on their desktop and mobile phone, does it mean I'm a pnd too?

It's all about trends and being early to jump on. Some people spot trends, some people make trends. Suppoman is identifying and creating trends with his youtube channel. If you hate him, then leave the group, but don't stick around just to post private screenshots and make incomplete statements to mislead the steemit community. Furthermore, did you research Bitquence? Did you join their social groups to interact with the Bitquence team? If you did, you would want to spread the word for everyone to check it out.

If you knew anything about Suppoman, you would also know that he advises against PnD groups and if someone posts a PnD group link, it gets removed.

Drunkenmonk, let us know when you make your own Udemy course and group, I'd love to critique it...not.

Thanks for having a level head... These guys just slag him because they think they know everything! I have learned from him as well, and I agree that he teaches RESEARCH. He actually says in one of his courses that we SHOULD NOT RELY ON ANYONE in the crypto game... Sad that people are so hypocritical...

You are ride :)

Glad someone mentioned master nodes. Everyone Rips on chaincoin and screams pump scam but never mention the masternodes. Those damn things will make so much money if they can get that coin off the ground. Also they are purposely making the coin bottom out right now so more people can buy in cheap. If it goes down to 20 cents trevon said he'd jump back in. I'll buy more also at that point. I'm close to a masternode, bought around a $1 didn't dump at $6 like I should have, if I did I would have a masternode by now.

Very true! I have been watching Suppoman's videos and have taken a few of his courses. He teaches what to look for and that research is the key to success in the Crypto world. He definitely hates PnD groups. This guy has no idea what he is talking about lol.

I'm sorry you feel that way about Synx, I am on the dev team and can answer any questions people might have regarding the currency, its plan and where its headed. If you would like to find out how much profit you could earn running a Synx masternode, please visit

It is not all about the profit either, its about the long term vision, one where synx can be transacted seemlessly between smart devices, leaving behind old currencies, using the Synx business management platform.

Thanks for the shoutout. :) Resteemed and upvoted is my post on it

I have additional information being released tonight or tomorrow.

I'm still in the groups; they haven't figured out who I am. I'll be debunking the SYNXHODL claim to both their github/twitter "proof", providing screenshots of my conversations with Zach Felder (SYNX HODL leader) including where he decided to cuss me out and threaten me with a suit for defamation.
We asked him repeatedly for proof of what he said was true - that he was holding 20k SYNX, and he took a video of the current prices on bittrex, no holdings shown. We asked him wallet public key, then to conduct a transaction, he provided a screenshot of a "balance" no public key, no date/time, just literally SYNX, like it could've been typed in MS Word or similar.
On the CHC front, there is additional information also, though I haven't pulled it all together yet.
~Let's all keep working to make crypto safer and scams less rewarding~

solid stuff, thank you for putting all this effort into making our community better.

No problem. I also do a crypto due diligence post on Saturdays that is attempting to help also. We shall see.

Does your info about chc include anything about masternodes? I've seen you yell scam about chc tons of times and never mention the real reason they are holding coins. You keep saying why would you buy coins and not dump them for a profit?? Because that ruins a coin, any coin. If people weren't so greedy and only took what profits they needed I bet this market wouldn't be so violate.

The coin is already ruined. It was and is a dead project. some hype about hodl and masternodes doesn't change the status of the project.
People don't owe anyone anything, including leaving profits on the table to reduce volatility. Arguably, price manipulations like the ones being perpetrated on CHC have more of an impact on volatility than people taking profits.
Masternodes were a strategy focused on scale. A project's use of masternodes doesn't give it legitimacy or activity or make it a worthwhile project. That's why I encourage everyone to do due diligence. In this case, a dead project has been pumped. Now what? Everyone keeps pumping bc "masternodes"?
That keyword is essentially like people saying "blockchain", it's a statement of the tech used to build the project, not a statement on the project's future or the potential of it. At the end of the day, a masternode to a dead project is rather irrelevant.

I've see coins with less and no masternodes go higher in price. I mean I get what your saying, and I agree to an extent. What I keep trying to point out is that if we can manipulate the price to a point where the coin has value I believe it will hold that value due to the fact it's the cheapest masternode out there. Also if it became know as a coin with little movement I could see it become one of the coins people move money to when dips happen. Mainly what I'd like to see, is if a large enough group of people come together, can they drive a coin up to a price that makes it profitable to hold if you own a masternode? You say the coin is dead, if that was true I think it would have been worth much less then $.10. lack of development sure, but dead? No. Don't let this current drop in price feed your ego, the chc group is allowing this to happen and seeing how low the price will go if they remove the buy walls and let it fall as far as it can. If it does more people will buy in and get masternodes. If it drops below $.20 I guarantee it will shoot back up as there's gonna be a huge round of buying. Either way it's a very interesting project. It's not like the other pump and dumps you keep comparing it too.

Nothing in here proves anything really. If he does scam his users he does a good job of hiding it. Nothing you posted is proof. I mean I was around when the whole safex/CHC went down and I was in SCM and Suppoman was actually on holiday not posting on his facebook group for like 3-4 days.

Only when he got back did he do a video on CHC which didn't actually pump the price any more than it already had.

It was super irresponsible for him to do a video on it as he obviously broke many of his own rules and didn't research it first.

Hes ok Suppoman. I can't see any obvious scamming. Niether has he told lies or deleted videos like Vincent Briatore who can easily be proven to be a scammer.

I found his course very good when I was first beginning. It's old now and he didn't know how to use one tool (market depth). I mean I know of many tools but I don't actually know how to use them all.

He breaks his own rules for investing or for giving out advice.

If you invest without following his advice of doing your own research you get what you deserve.

Of all the videos and things I have watched of his I have never really seen any pump and dump scams. A couple of dubious ones for sure but nothing I would worry too much about.

I also did the course and learnt a lot I was unaware of, I've used his techniques and invested in some of the coins he suggests, more importantly I invested in coins Ive researched now that he guided us in the right direction of where to go and research those coins and ICOs . I make my own decisions when to buy and sell irrespective of what's been advised and by whom. As he says frequently, "make YOUR own decisions ,do YOUR own research and don't just buy coins because I do" .
There are many youtubers with different strategies, methods, ideas and opinions, take from them what suits you you are your own person after all. And let's be honest, if they are all in it for themselves then I want to know what they're up to so I can stay one step ahead . Happy trading everyone . Weathers lovely too x

I side tidbit of information. Trevonjb was doing a livestream when someone asked him if he had CHC, to which he replied "Yes", and then someone told him the price, it being around $3 at the time. His livestream viewers then also pumped the volume for the next few hours as they bought in. Tryvon went to check the price of the coin a few hours later and it was at $6. Trevon was at a return of 4000% and cashed out all his coins, told his viewers about it, and the market crashed after that. Many of the CHC holders bombarded Trevon's channel, and he had to address that he knew nothing of this hold and pump.

As a youtuber, screw any content creator who abuses their fans trust to make money like this.

Stop putting him down he said it can be very risky to invest in chaincoin and Syndicate and he always warns to do your own this is bullshit trying to take him down,but we are responsible for our own money in the end....

everyone says the same two lines, and after that they make a 50minutes video saying BUY AND HODL, so you can see its an excuse when they say im not financial advisor, take your own risk and all that bs, proof of that is that after hearing that you still went and bought some chc, at whatever price was at the moment, and made people BLIND TO SEE WHAT WAS REALLY OBVIOUS, 5000% INCREASE is 100% dumpable for any kind of HODLr out there, its just very simple, no coin that goes up that % in a week can keep up with the price, if you still believe go and buy more, do whatever, but dont try to makeup the reality here, you all been misled by this guru you love and protect!