Free Bitcoin. Add this extension to your Google Chrome browser
Add this extension to your Google Chrome browser and just let it run on low or high. Takes a few seconds to install. Then pass your referral link on to make more $$ in your pool. I have it running on a spare pc 24/7. #EasyMoney #ThankMeLater
Depending on how many days it took you to collect these Bitcoins, I think it mines too much per hour for a PC miner, it's probably a scam.
4.2 H/s is very low hashing power it might take you hundreds of years to earn $1 with it. I'm not an expert so I hope someone corrects me if I'm wrong.
That screenshot was from two weeks ago. Its a mining pool. The more people you add the more you make. I have a pool of 31 people now. Its running on a older spare pc. I just let it run 24/7. Whatever happens happens. I got plenty of other crypto investments going. Check it out.
For future viewers: price of bitcoin at the moment of posting is 8895.70USD