Best Computers for Cryptocurrency Wallet Holders?

Well my computer is getting old.... Please post suggestions/alterntives for a new computer....

The only thing I really good to look for, so far is SSD: Solid State Drive. That's a definite must, entailing that there is no moving parts, that can break - requiring no forensic experts to reclaim the information on your hard-drive, should it bust.

Beyond that, a computer needs very little storage - but tons of RAM. That's the problem I'm having with a lots of cryptocurency Wallets these stays.

Feel also getting away from Windows isn't a bad move either. Less viruses and stolen RAM from spyware. For me I think it will either be a Mac or a Linux model.

Love to hear from others regarding what is good or not...



I also like Mac model. Don't know about Linux model.

The Mac Pro looks good, although its definitely on the pricey side of things.. Lots of SSD, and its upgradeable. I'd get the lowest version of it, if I got one at all, and upgrade along the way as needed.

If you know how to use Linux, go for it! Linux is the only way for me now. The control you have is great. I only use windows for gaming now and I only use apples for keeping the doctor away.

Can u recommend a Linux system, and/or a vendor?

Truthfully, when you start talking about Linux in the context of mining, there are a lot of variables. But most people agree that building your own computer is most cost effective. I can't begin to start recommending rigs until you say what your budget is, or if you want a desktop or laptop and what your general computer hardware knowledge is like.

Understood. Just looking for a general operating platfrom like Ubantu. Mostly I need to shop for someone like yourself in real-life, to live and learn from. I'm looking at 1-3K, in terms of expenditure, by preference. I don't wish to mine. Just want a computer that is hardenend for longevity, tough in terms of nuts and bolts, and can take a lot of computation for difficult wallets. I prefer the idea of desktops because you can upgrade - prefering to bite into something low-key in terms of where it can be upgraded to, for now... I do travel lots as a person with two trade tickets, so laptops don't hurt, but that's really not what I want long-term as a main-device. Beyond that my knowledge of computers is pretty basic, but I'm an extremely fast learner - although I spend most of my attention span on learning music and opera - so i dont want to be waisting my IQ on computers and cryptos all-the time... I often do spend 6-8 hours thinking about them as investments/assets, a day, but I really would prefer not to be doing that for life.... I've been unemployed quite a bit this year, and thankfully dealing with the explosion of price in cryptos, while having to reposition for the future. Got a genetic condition too, which has caused me a lot of physical pain, so I'm glad I've had the time off - so having to be at home to think about cryptos as an investment has proved worth my time. I've had to gain a lot of perspective if you will. Its like I've hired myself as an investor, if you will.

well, since you are not planning to mine, and you haven't mentioned an interest in gaming or video editing, I am going to go out on a limb here and say I don't think you need to be spending anywhere close to 3k. If your main tasks include general browsing, social media and crypto wallets i am going to go ahead and say you can get this done in under 1000 USD. If you want a prebuilt, just go to your local shop and choose any mid range computer out there, they will all fit your requirements nicely. If you just like the idea of a bit of extra punch under the hood, maybe invest in a pre built low end gaming rig. If you feel courageous and want to tackle a PC build, then I would suggest, based on the info you have given me, I am going to suggest:

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1500X
Motherboard: MSI B350M
RAM: Vengeance 8GB 2666MHz
GPU: Any AMD RX470 or NVidia 980 card will be more than enough.
SSD: any will be fine, you could go HDD if you want.
Power: try to aim for any gold or platinum rated power supply. the Corsair VS450 is a good power supply.
Case: any, choose a form factor than has plenty of airflow and spce to work inside.
Cooler: Hyper 212 Evo. cheap, effective.
OS: Ubuntu 16.4.2 is the latest LTS release, stick to this for now.

This set up will be more powerful than you need, which means it will last you a while and costs less than 1000 USD. If you have any questions or need help, give me a shout. Its a pleasure helping out fellow steemit fans.

Thanks! I may get into video editing in the future; but I have doubts I will ever require it. Slowing starting to do recitals, and just now buying my first tripod for my Iphone, to record my solos. Already got a zoom recorder too, that's very expensive to capture all the harmonics in my voice. Thinking of slowly putting a website together that nobody will know about, until the day I'm ready to sell my first tickets for recitals - than boom I will advertise my stuff (next year at the earliest; but I'm not sure if I ever need to do any video editing beyond stop and start?)- and the website will be ready to show other people what I do, and who I am... The rest i will leave up to a recording studio if I'm ever good enough to sell things people are interested in. Doing it all outside of a university education, so what I'm doing is almost unheard of! But somehow I find singing this way somewhat natural.

Anyhow, thanks for your advice. the above specs r probably all i need!

Well, what about this models ?
Does this computers are adapted for mining, or just for office working and gaming?