It really was necessary an improvement, since Ethereum has not been made improvements since it came out in 2015 making that over the past 3 years its service has begun to decline compared to other services. And that is exactly what brings us to GoChain who is bringing a similar system but with many improvements.

What I am going to do is show you the objectives that are to be met and give comparisons and possibilities which could lead to results that could occurr so for all interested people understand well and easily what it is and how to join if they want. There are three main objectives, so let's start:
1. Super speed:
This first point to raise is that the Ethereum algorithm can only handle 13 transactions per second, and GoChain will have a control of 1300 transactions per second, in other words an increase in processing speed per transaction of 100%, and this not only implies that in one minute 78000 transactions could be made and in one day 112320000 transactions which is a lot. But also become a place of continuous expansion to be able to satiate the market thing that Ethereum is not able to do. And this for the common user will be very convenient since it will be able to expand faster

2. More freedom:
This point to raise is already more to the point of the network because although it is said that there is a decentralized network is not so true since it focuses on China almost controlling almost 70%, what GoChain wants to do is that the nodes are in different countries and be totally independent doing it against foul plays. Thus greatly increased security for companies and common users.

3. Energy saving:
At this point it is quite important because you have to accept that the networks that are used consume too much electricity which is not very good for the environment but GoChain has something planned which is only to use a small part of energy compared to the other cryptocurrencies, becoming more ecological
And if you ask the question that if you already started Ethereum and do not want to start again from zero in GoChain?, well GoChain has the ability to pass the codes directly from Ethereum to GoChain, so you do not have to start from scratch.
And another thing is that the GoChain has a unique protocol called POR or (Proof of Reputation) in which instead of using computer power it uses your resputation
Well here I introduce that is Gochain I hope it has served you something and you liked.
And if you want to see in firsthand what GoChain is doing here is the link to their official website:
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