Banana coin - Is it a scam or just a bad joke?

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

So, BananaCoin will soon be with us. It looks like some sort of bad joke.

I was just looking at some crypto prices when an advertisement popped up about BananaCoin. I don't usually click on these ICOs because there are too many of them and they rarely offer anything new.
Anyway, "bananas" - I had to click to see if it really was some kind of joke.

I only looked at it a little, but, as far as I can see, buying the coin gives you an "investment" in an organic banana plantation in Laos.

From my point of view it looks a little suspect, not least because the English is not very good - you would expect at least some effort when they are trying to raise millions of dollars.

Who would want to invest in a sketchy project in Laos? Even if it's not a scam, it would be very easy to skim off any profits before any of them are distributed to coin holders.



You would have to be a banana to buy this altcoin... lol 😁

Hi David!

Was surfing web - trying to find articles about my project.

First of all, if people know about us - it is already a win.

We originally from Russia and whole website was first made at russian language. We hire a lady with diploma and maybe she wasnt so good, but yes - some places are bad english.

We exist already and everyone can join our plantation in Laos. We made a lottery - winners coming to check us. We support local kids and villages, giving them better lives.

We more REAL project that a PDF with a landing.

All your article was made just to be cooler) You even not get into a subject of our project.

Good luck!

"All your article was made just to be cooler) You even not get into a subject of our project."

No, you are wrong. It would be much more professional of you to fully acknowledge the criticisms I made rather than point the finger in my direction - if something has some of the hallmarks of a scam, why would somebody want to investigate further or waste time writing more about the project? It simply does not deserve it.

As I said:
"you would expect at least some effort when they are trying to raise millions of dollars"

You haven't answered this criticism. You just seem to think it is everybody else's fault.... Very unprofessional!

We always answer any questions on our project

I havent seen any of them here

We 100% transparent - anyone can check our existence and concept

You obviously haven't really taken the time to see what I am saying. YOU are selling a product (I'm using 'product' in marketing terms here). It is up to you to be professional in the first place so that people will want to ask questions about it. Again, I have to say that I find your approach and attitude unprofessional.

It is rather irrelevant, but, as you brought the subject up, the "questions" you talked about were in the title - "Is it a scam or just a bad joke?"

Also, could you identify yourself on your profile? Normally, it isn't really necessary, but, if you are professing to be from Banana Coin then you will have to show who you are.

I have nothing against Banana Coin - it is just one amongst a plethora of other coins that people can buy. I'm not investing in it, so whether it is a scam or not has no affect on me. My post was just in general interest.

On the domain - yes, i bought it the time i think i want to make ICO. How should i buy it three years ago??? Hmm

Yes, it is a scam. I fell for it. I've sent in about $22 , but I got some suspicion and tried to withdraw my money back. After one day of waiting, the transaction was complete. Precisely $0 were sent back. Ethereum blockchain link to the transaction:

Looks like you got your BCO tokens pretty soon after?

Wow I'm getting a different perspective here, I've not invested much as I'm not sure if they're real. Please advise!

I agree with bananfcoin member, author of the article didnt read carefully whitepaper. Its very logical project to invest in food. They already have big plantation of banana trees, they produce them organically. Ofcourse it could be scam, but icobench rate it like low risk investment.

Don't get caught slipping.