RIP Bitcoin! McAfee eats his dick!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

First of all...

sorry for the Clickbait!

But you all know how Marketing works right?

Let´s talk about Bitcoin today, his future and the concept as store of value. Watch the Video if you prefer it to reading:

To be honest with you guys. I like Bitcoin because the Idea of Cryptocurrency was introduced by Bitcoin. But today, we have to realize, that it is not more what it used to be. Its expensive, it is slow, and other cryptos are getting to Job done much better.

In my opinion, BitcCoin is like an old mobile Phone. Its nice when you had one back in the days, when nobody had one. You looked very important. You were one of the first. But besides all the emotional attachment. Would you really buy one of this old and outdated phones today?

New Investors are coming into the market and they see that there another cryptos. The intelligent ones are starting to ask questions. They realize, Bitcoin is just one of many Cryptos. They buy maybee a bit of Bitcoin, just to take part.

But Bitcoin is now a "store of Value" right? Its "digital Gold" right?

A friend of mine, who is new to Cryptos said it well : "i would prefer real gold anytime"

I think he is right. The store of value argument is just a denial of the fact, that Bitcoin is an outdated Technology. I mean many things are a store of value. But most of them have an actual usecase. I can drink my expensive wine library, i can repair my teeth with gold, i can live in my house and i can at least watch my antique painting. I cant touch, smell, eat, watch or use Bitcoin in any way. Except the fact, that it has some coolnes factor to have Bitcoin.

But maybee thats just me and i am appreciating the physical side of things in life many times.

Edit: For me personally Ethereum is a much better store of value, because it contains all ERC20 tokens and it has a real usecase.

I mean, yeah, i don´t actually think Bitcoin is dead. It was some serious clickbait up there. But i think his biggest bullruns are history and it will not go to 1 Million Dollars until 2020.

And if im wrong...i wont do anything unusual with my dick!




Thanks very good post !!!!

Awesome Work!

Keep it up!!!


your CryptoInvestmentExpert

for sure man! Thank you!

Interesting point about the value of ethereum as it "contains" all erc20 tokens! Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work posting! Followed and upvoted!

thanks man! For sure!

Well LN is coming really soon and bitcoin first sidechain aka it own version of eth: is also coming soon
Bitcoin has 2018 to pull it off it the make or break it year for bitcoin.