With 3WM , People Can Now Exchange Wastes and Plastics For Cryptocurrency.

in #cryptocurrency5 years ago (edited)

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When the subject of pollution is being discussed, people talk more on air pollution, especially exhaust from vehicles. They seem to forget the damages caused by dumping wastes and plastics indiscriminately on the land. Oil spill, litter, debris etc. pollute the environment and release harmful substances into the atmosphere. The effect of this type of pollution is usually a long-term one; if it is not checked, it poses a huge threat to our health and the environmental natural resources.

Out of the estimated 2 billions plastics that are produced in recent years all over the world, 19% are being recycled or incinerated. The rest, which are mostly non- biodegradable, remain on the land. The use of plastics is expected to be on the increase with human population because they are used for food packaging, water bottles, construction materials, electronic goods, etc. Currently, the system of removing wastes and plastics from the land is limited which explains its environmental burden.
3WM is committed to making the environment free from pollution caused by waste and plastics by their new innovative technologies.

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What is 3WM Project?
It is simply a global industrial project that is committed to ensuring the environment is protected and the living standard of the people is improved. Using revolutionary technology and blockchain, 3WM will manage waste and plastics by transforming them to useful and valuable products. Aside from the waste and plastics, 3WM projects covers water treatment and mobility technology.

3WM aims to build 55 innovative plants for transforming waste or plastics into bioenergy. These plants are named Waste- to- Bioenergy or Plastic- to- Bioenergy plants. WTB or PTB plants were built to convert 7100 tonnes of waste or plastics to bioenergy on a daily basis. This will not only help to remove plastics and wastes from the land but also create direct and indirect jobs for up to 10,000,000 people. The plants are capable of converting 100%of waste to bio- energies.

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People with financial difficulties can also leverage on these innovations. 3WM will reward them for collecting waste and plastics in their locality. The reward will serve as encouragement and motivations for them to get rid of the garbage in their environment. It will also reduce disease rate among the people and make the environment healthier.

Blockchain technology has allowed numerous projects to fly on its wings since its emergence. 3WM projects are built on blockchain technology and this makes them completely autonomous and decentralized. The blockchain technology will help 3WM to incentivize companies, individuals and government through their projects.

Although few countries are recycling certain waste materials, most of them leave organic and non- recoverable plastics unattended to. The high cost and low yield involved in incinerating and recycling waste discourage many from embarking in such projects. The sector, therefore, has insufficient infrastructure to handle the heap of wastes that keep increasing daily.

3WM project is more efficient and can transform 100% of waste into bioenergies.

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The Waste-to- Bioenergy plants works by sorting out three types of waste(dry, organic, medical waste) using infrared and X- ray technology. These wastes are then processed in the plants where they are converted to bioenergy, fertilizer and other materials (e.g naphta).

3WM has been in collaboration with other partners to ensure that occupants of remote places have access to good drinking water. They developed innovative technologies which facilitated water decontamination, purification and treatment.

One of the technologies is the Water Mobile Vehicle System which produces 20000 liters of purified water per day. The system allows pure drinking water to be made available to isolated areas or at an emergency with speed. The water treatment plant is powered by solar energy.

Mobile Solar Power is another patented project developed by 3WM®. The solar power stations are already mounted and wired. Their mobility makes them most useful on isolated areas.

3WM Tokens
3WM token is a standard ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain.

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3WM tokens will enable waste collection to be monetized. People will be rewarded for collecting waste through this token. Those who wish to buy green energies produced by the WTB plants can do so through 3WM tokens. The tokens are used for buying 3WM® products(biogas, biodiesel, fertilizers, electricity). The mobility or solar product and water treatment services can also be acquired with 3WM tokens.

Ten Intelligence centers will be created around the world where companies that are specialized in environment protection can meet to discuss matters pertaining the environment. One of the company is already operational in France.

3WM Token pre-sale is on
For enquiry, send direct email to the team here ; Email : [email protected]
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Over time, the environment will become unsafe for living if necessary measures are not taken to halt pollution. Plastics and wastes are the major pollutants that contribute to the degradation of the environment. 3WM aims to collect these pollutants and transform them into valuable materials. 3WM® plants are capable of transforming plastics or wastes into bioenergies. There is also an avenue for people to make money by collecting garbage and exchanging them for 3WM tokens.

visit the project links below to get more information about this very remarkable project

writer's details
Bitcointalk Username : cryptodammy42
Forum Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2718819
POA: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5251655.msg54976729#msg54976729


The project aim is awesome if everything on this article is true, at least the very first thinking in that direction of making the most of wastes, reducing pollution. I'll need to verify from the team if individual can participate in pre-sale. Hope the email is official project email and how do I verify if the email on this article is not fake?

Check the website and verify, it's same email, the official 3wm email. Or join the telegram group and ask admin. Thanks