in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

We know that price makes all the difference in the world as to whether mining crypto currency is profitable. But I feel that the miners are getting the shaft these days, but without them, where would crypto be? That last bitcoin will never be mined if something doesn't change to make it worthwhile for people to mine it. Mining is expensive, and every day the difficulty goes up, a rig that is profitable today becomes unprofitable tomorrow; just how long does the crypto world expect miners to shell out 1000s of dollars to make pennies a day so you can enjoy your crypto currency? Well they won't, they will sell off their equipment, or otherwise just stop mining. Then what are all of you all going to do? In short there needs to be a much better incentive other than HODL to mine coins. For instance, what happens when the last coin is mined, if they even can be. What then? Someone will still have to run algorithms to keep the blockchain up to date. To record you transaction, etc. So mining will still be a thing, But no one is going to pay out $10 day for electricity for $1 a day rewards. SIMPLY not going to happen. Coin Operators need to do something to keep miners going, if that means 15% transaction fees then so be it. (Disclosure) I am a miner. And just where would the crypto world be without miners? -Cyrus
