Humaniq Project: A liberation cause through banking for all

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

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As I have been researching the hundreds of cryptocurrencies in existence, I have been reflecting on what should drive my involvement with any of them. You will hear commentators say that you must value the "use case" and believe it has an important problem to solve. It must have strong community involvement and an effective team of developers. Also, good public relations is becoming more and more essential to the survival of these projects. I also hear advice such as, its token should have liquidity, high daily volume, and a high market capitalization.

I agree with all of this advice. Yet, I would add one thing more:
1) Does the project align with your own core values?

The ego seeks to find what benefits the self most. The superego intervenes to ensure it is moral. Now morality is subjective and certainly shifts with each epoch, region, and culture. With that said, you know what you believe and what matters to you. So ask yourself, does the project advance my heartfelt core values? Will this project ever be in conflict with my core values?

For example, the Humaniq project has brought to my consciousness the great disparities in wealth distribution, globally. It has also inspired me to imagine a time on Earth when all people may enjoy an adequate standard of living within a thriving economy that benefits all people. I've often thought that we are currently in a golden age of human civilization, but I have come to realize that we are in more of a dark age--hopefully the very end of a dark age. We are on the verge of a renaissance, a true golden era of expanding abundance, creativity, technology--evolving and elevating the entire human race. I am realizing that our current state of affairs is quite abysmal with war and conflicts, often fueled by greed, plaguing humans. See a tracker of global conflicts here:!/

A concise summary of global distribution of wealth:
half of the world's wealth belongs to the top 1%,
top 10% of adults hold 85%, while the bottom 90% hold the remaining 15% of the world's wealth,
top 30% of adults hold 97% of the total wealth.

Please see this webpage for information related to global distribution of wealth:

Could a redistribution of wealth that is peer-to-peer reduce or even eliminate war and conflicts? Could we cease to fund war through centralized banking and governments? Could traditionally oppressed people find freedom, such as women, ethic and religious minorities, and/or those trapped in a caste system? Could people find satisfaction, liberation, and peace in their birth places? Could prosperity spread to every corner of this planet?

The Humaniq project makes me think that some of these advances are in sight. This is a quote from their announcement page:

"Let's be very clear: we are not talking about a generic mobile app for a traditional bank, nor are we going to be yet another mobile bitcoin wallet. At Humaniq, we are creating an entirely new financial ecosystem, built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. And this is truly a win-win - the end users have the opportunity to lift themselves out of poverty, and engage in the digital economy, and the supporters of the currency will have a token that will have stability and longevity - as well as have utility."

The project has ambitious, disruptive innovations planned, namely the Proof of Face for personal identification. Imagine if you had no social security number, no passport, no identification recognized by any government or bank. How could you engage in the traditional banking system? The answer is you won't, ever. "Humaniq is using biometric identification to both register new users and to verify transactions. It will be the first network where every user is guaranteed to be unique." With Proof of Face, billions of people may find a portal into personal banking that could be truly transformational in their lives. For billions of people, this technology could end generations of poverty and lift up entire communities.

This is how Humaniq puts it:

"We’re using a new concept called Proof of Face (PoF), a radical departure from the energy and computationally intensive PoS and PoW methods used for most blockchain currencies. New tokens will be generated by user actions, such as opening an account, inviting friends, and carrying out other one time actions, so that every user will start with a limited amount of HMQ that they can use to begin interacting with the Humaniq economy.

Please see the white paper here:

The mission and vision of this project is inspiring and appeals to my core values. I will be watching this project closely and hoping for the best! Peace and prosperity on earth, for all!

Please see their webpage and announcement here:![Humaniq Project.jpg]


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Humaniq President Alex Fork, hosting conference with Vitalik Buterin in Moscow

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Even though I am so sleepy I had to congratulate you for this post. The core values are what younger (selfie) generation has yet to learn, or discover. Humaniq was my first ever ICO just for that reason. IOTA was the second one, as I strongly believe is here for a betterment not only human race, but nature as well.
Folloving, upvoting and resteeming this excelent post

Well, thanks! I hope you get some needed rest. I appreciate your comments. I'm glad to meet someone like you. :o)