My Top 4 pick for July!

Hey whats up Steemit Fam CryptoJared here and right now i'm gonna be talking about what i think is gonna be my top 4 cryptocurrency for July 2017! now just so you're aware i don't have much experience in the field this is just based on my own research meaning you should do your own but these are just my speculations on what i think will have my cryptofolio expand.
now lets get started on my first pick and its..... Drom Roll please

. Verge timthumb.png

XVG Verge Coin, is a privacy focused cryptocurrency token that utilizes the TOR network to anonymize IP addresses on its public leager. XVG is my favorite, and the most promising of privacy centered, coins. genuenly i think its a really good long term investment and really do believe its gonna make a lot of people rich. also the price is superduper low so stock up fam!

. Steem steem-coin.png
personally i really like steem because of the social media platform behind it. i think that its the future of social media cause its oposed ti its users. like come on youre getting paid to use social media like you dont even have to think about it. slowly im making the transiotion over and i plan on brining all my 3k friends on fb over to them the light.. muhahaha(my evil laugh)

.Golem 725_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9kN2YyYjdjMGQ0N2JkNDJlZjhiMDdmYWJmNGU4ZWY5OC4=.jpg
Besides it having a super cool name that reminds me of the Pokemon

The tech behind Golem is pretty interesting and seems promising. Here's what the opening page on there website says and tbh sounds super exciting. Golem is a global, open sourced, decentralized supercomputer that anyone can access. It's made up of the combined power of user's machines, from personal laptops to entire datacenters. Anyone will be able to use Golem to compute (almost) any program you can think of, from rendering to research to running websites, in a completely decentralized & inexpensive way. The Golem Network is a decentralized sharing economy of computing power, where anyone can make money 'renting' out their computing power or developing & selling software. so with that being said lets move on to number 4.

.Ripple 0234b1fb3f77af57146133cd7c0aa040.jpg
Now besides having been put in by a friend on to Ripple i think it has huge potential being that payments settle in 4 seconds which compared to ETH,Bitcoin or traditional methods of payments it seems to be the fastest way. Also with the ability to make Thousands of transactions per second its definitely a superior form of payment. Ripple definitely has its reasons to blow the Phuck up and cant wait to see what the future holds.

Now these are my Top 4 picks for July and what i have most faith in. Id love to hear feed back from you guys on how i can develop my cryptofolio and about what your picks for July are!

Follow me on twitter : @Cryptojared


@cryptojared I am long all of these. I think they all have merit, lest some shiny new coin with an army of marketers doesn't ICO these picks out of existence.

Great to hear that mate!

Those are all very nice friend.

Thanks Bro! i appreciate the feed back

Golem has been steadily going down for a while now. It's a darn good idea, but it doesn't seem to go up even when the rest of the market does. I wonder what's going on?

BUY BUY BUY!!!! i heard that was a due to its recent project taking a little longer then usual

I do not believe in Ripple.. I just don't trust banks