Road to 1 Million: Follow my journey

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

What's up team,

Welcome to my story! As I said in my last post, this is all about my journey through the wild-west of Cryptocurrency!
It's a new year, and I decided I wanted to do something new, so here I am - starting my first blog, Investing in my first parts of cryptocurrency and potentially uploading my first YouTube video (although I'm a bit apprehensive about that one ha!)

A bit of background information for those of you who care:

  • I'm pretty technical.. always worked in the technology space with both hardware and software development.
  • I'm not a pro-investor. I do happen to have some investments on NASDAQ, but that's about it.
  • That being said, technically I should have been way ahead of the curve investing in BitCoin etc, since I have been very heavily working with BlockChain technologies for a while and knew of BitCoin years ago... I just didn't put two and two together and didn't see any financial reason to get invested... My bad! Hopefully won't make that mistake again.
  • My favourite thing in life, second only to money (obviously), is research! If there is something I decide to set my mind to, I absolutely adore researching. That could be the best running GPS watch, most efficient opening chess gambits, solving-patterns for a Rubik's cube or even just the best kitchen toaster! Literally anything I decide I need to be involved in, I will go ahead and dedicate as much of my time to researching informative arguments and making my decision. I love it!

Sooo.. The last point at least should mean I don't do half bad in this Cryptocurrency Investment thing. I will be putting in hard hours of research, but I hope the labours of love will come good and in the end. Which it needs to! Because I'm openly setting my target right here, right now.

I'd like to take us on a journey from 1000 dollars (or pounds), to that elusive 1 MILLION!

I don't know whether I'll make it. I suspect not. But I sure as dammit will try, and I'd love to take you all along for the ride.

.. and don't worry - I'm not doing this alone! I have all the Rocket Fuel I could need :)

So. If you're interested, sign up. Hit me up in the comments and stay tuned. First blog with investing information coming soon!

cryptoash | tweettweet


Hey cryptocash, I think it's pretty cool your sharing your journey. I started the same journey on the exact same date, so I will definitely follow you. Good luck and may the force be with us ;)