Cryptocurrencies for Beginners - Episode 1

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

The Cryptocurrencies are digital money created used for buying or selling goods and services around the world (sometimes within the Deep Web). From the last year the cryptocurrencies market has rapidly grown, in term of capital invested and number of investors: If we take a look to the site, we could observe on 18th September 2016 the entire marketcap had a total amount of 12.152.300.000 USD. In the same date of 2017, the total amount of cryptocurrencies market is over 138 billions USD with a growth of 1.035,65% than the last year.


Based on these data, we're talking about a incredible growing rate of the market, that has caught the attention of the investors, such as a new (and differet) kind of capital investment compared to classic bank deposits that generate a low return (usually 3% for years).
If we analyze the Bitcoin and the Ethereum trend (the most important cryptocurrencies) between September 2016 and 2017, it's easy to notice that the growth has been, respectively, of 551,14% for Bitcoin and 1889,47% for Ethereum. It means that if i've bought 100 Ether at the price of 1.282 dollars, at this point i’d have 22.505 dollars with a profit of 21.223 USD…
I don’t mind that exists any other form of investment that generates a profit so high!



One of the most important site to analyze the market for every single cryptocurrency during a time horizon is COINMARKETCAP.COM. This site presents the following data:

"#" - Position of the cryptocurrency based on its market cap;
Name - Name of the currency
Price - The Price of the currency compared to Bitcoin Value or Dollar Value (you can choose through different options)
Circulating Supply - The amount of selected cryptocurrency in the market
Volume (24h) - The circulating supply for the last 24 hours
% Change (24h) - The difference, in dollar or satoshi (fraction of Bitcoin), between the actual value and the value registered for the last 24 hours (when it’s green, it means a positive result, instead red represents a negative trend);
Price Graph - Show the trend for the last 7 days (you can choose different options for the time horizon).


If i would analyze the entire trend of a cryptocurrency from the beginning till today, i need to click the link and i will see differents news and data regarding the currency selected.

Rules to observe:

  1. Don't invest more than you can afford to lose!
  2. Don't go in "panic sell" mode if your investment doesn't obtain the desired result. Sometimes we need a little bit of patience to earn a positive profit;
  3. Collect more possible informations about cryptocurrencies: Register on Forum, Blog, FB group, etc...and invest your money only on cryptocurrencies with a solid technology that support its development;
  4. Every cryptocurrency, if it's a serious project, has a website that contains a White Paper, that is an official document with the most important features and the roadmap/timeline for every single purpose that it want to reach!

This is the video of my Youtube Channel (Italian Version)

Thanks for the attention!