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RE: Cryptocurrency Doesn't Need Wall Street

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

I go back and forth on the involvement of Wall Street. Some see it as confirmation that crypto and it’s technology are here to stay. I agree partially but I also will not forget how much destruction is caused by Wall Street and their criminal bankers. This is where I am very hesitant. I know they are trying to create their own and make a version that will try to replace others but I think there needs to be a clear separation between us two groups. I think that this is a financial revolution like we’ve never seen before and we would do well to not give control to the same hegemony that’s ruining the global markets right now in the traditional financial sectors.


Yeah, they are crap shitters, but people trust those criminals, so it will just make crypto boom. We can go slower without their help, adoption will overtake them so they don't want to wait anyways :P