The Bitcoin Killer part 2

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

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The Bitcoin Killer part 2

The more it changes, the more it stays the same --------- Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

In part 1, we talked about governments making their own cryptocurrency and forcing everyone else on it as the proverbial Bitcoin Killer. We pointed out the U.S as the most likely country that could implement this at ease. Other countries such as U.K., China, Russia could also be a potential candidates.

Now there's a new set of players that could be THE Bitcoin Killer. They are none other than BANKERS. Bankers are survivors. Think the Rothschild, JP Morgan and even the mythical Iron Bank of Braavos in the Game of Thrones series. In war and in strife, these entities remain neutral and support both opposing forces.

Lets detour for a moment. I would like to tell you a little story on surviving and thriving in strife by not committing to anyone. In the July 1830 French Revolution, a French statesmen listening to the ringing of bells which signaled the end of the revolution told his assistant, "Ah the bells are ringing! We are winning." The assistant asked, " Who's we?" He then looked at his assistant and said, "I will tell you WHO WE ARE TOMORROW."

Going back to banks, they are like the elder French statesmen. They'll be supporting everyone and joining the victor after every conflict. Now here is the kicker. Seven major banks from powerful countries spearheaded by Swiss' UBS have bonded together with technology company Clearmatics Technology aiming to produce a cryptocurrency of their own. The company includes UK's Barclays, Credit Suisse, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, UK's HSBC, Japans' Mitsubishi-UFG and US's State Street. They propose a cryptocurrency that central banks all over the world could use to facilitate their current transactions with speed, security and ease without going through the usual clearing houses and on a custom made block chain. They call this new cryptocurrency as UTILITY SETTLEMENT COIN (USC). This currency will be online come 2018. Banks are the driving force of an economy. Central Banks are the driving force of a country's economy. If this will come into fruition and successfully implemented then I say the the more we change, by the introduction of Bitcoin, the more it stays the same by the coming in of USC. Bitcoin is the the most recent and truly redistributor of wealth and a great equalizer, USC aims to get wealth back to powers that be.


Random Act of Kindness..

Hi chabudot,

This post has been upvoted from me! :)

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Thanks @sdwahnine mel. I like and support what you're doing. Resteem this post to elicit reactions from readers which I would greatly appreciate.

Source on this? Any real denotation that it's backed by the big boys in central banking? Also why is no one commenting on the Bilderberg connection to the segwit layer, seems like they're already in.

They have no working model yet and they say they are on a test phase. Roll-out would be circa 2018. If the technology works, I don't see a problem of central banks adopting this as Central Bankers per se comes from these big banks also. They are of the same bunch. The networking of these "masters of the universe" are immense not to mention the collective wealth they represent. I write this article to point to the fact that if we are complacent and does not support truly decentralized systems then whats keeping these big boys from writing their own cryptocurrency and forcing it on us. Please resteem, I would appreciate inputs like yours on this topic.

Explain how the wealth was distributed?
central banks are still in control of the majority 99%

@chane-4-a-buck I agree, central banks are still in control. I would want to answer your first question in another post if you don't mind. I think there will be lots of talking points pertaining to that matter.