Invested in financial armageddon theory? Don't watch this video!

If you're into cryptocurrency, one of the things you've probably most often heard from the experts is how buying cryptocurrency can be a great way to hedge against a massive financial apocalypse of the current system. Many are pretty obsessed with talking about such a collapse. The result is an emotional and mental "investment" spread from speaker to multiple viewers on an unpleasant scenario that would cause a lot of difficulty for a lot of people. 

What you focus on grows. We create with our thoughts. 

People seem to have so much anger towards the current system and probably unresolved internal anger that needs an outlet that they want to "fight" and "destroy" or at the least complain incessantly about the existing system. 

I've never resonated with the assumption that the collapse is as likely to be as all-encompassing as many suggest. In the interview below, Simon Dixon with Adam Meister describes a plausible vision of how things could play out with something of a smoother, albeit still disruptive road ahead. 

Short version: Retail banks fall away as the bail-in and bail-out options are no longer options. They are replaced by central banks who take a direct relationship with citizens to guarantee their funds. Alongside this, fintech companies step in to provide additional financial applications to pick up the slack left by the banks. Meanwhile cryptos continue to build out a new money infrastructure based on personal financial sovereignty, abundance, decentralised networks and innovation.   

I'm grateful for this well articulated and grounded vision of the future. I choose a path that goes beyond fighting. What you resist persists. If people want to continue giving their power away to a system that's set up to incentivise debt or people want to manipulate others by having power in that system, so be it. I choose to focus on what I want: a new infrastructure that provides the conditions for empowerment and fairness for those seeking a level playing field.   


This was a great show, Simon Dixon synchronizes a lot of relevant information and makes functional economics easily understandable. One for people looking to make sense of all the goings on in Bitcoinland.

Great to see a logical person appreciating Simon's rational approach. I have upvoted and re-steemed this. Keep up the great work.