MEDIA PROTOCOL: The Blockchain-Based Content Distribution Ecosystem.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago



The Media Protocol platform takes note of the vulnerabilities if other content rewarding platforms whereby a Participant is makes use of a script (or a Bot as is generally known) to cheat the system to as to acquire more rewards for doing close to nothing thereby resulting in a system where these Publishers and Content Creations allocate more funds for rewards which is supposed to attract a reasonable amount of traffic through engagements but instead realize close to nothing compared to what they must have invested in order to publicise their Content (A Product, Service or an Article of any kind) instead of the reverse being the case. With that taken into consideration, Media protocol sets a couple of approaches in place to checkmate fraudulent Participant engagements on the platform such as;


● The use of an indicator system that would bound a specific amount of token reward allocation for every task over a definitive time frame within which a Participant can and would not be able to earn more than the alloted reward given that time period.


● The utilization of a reward reduction mechanism such that any additional engagement that exceeds the required criteria for a stipulated time period and activity would result to little or no reward. and by this the system would further deter Participants from wanting to engage more which often gives rise to the use of other means to increase participations and engagements such as the use of Bots.


● Subsequent operation of a verification system where Participants are required by the content Creator/Publisher to present a signed and verified address which has being subject to the verification system and is ascertained by the system to be from a reliable source (An actual human) and not a Bot.


● Future endeavors to take advantage of the platform's blockchain decentralized and transparent modus operandi along with other state of the art technologies such as machine learning in order separate humans from bots as well as Cheaters from actual Participants.