Zero to Hero Challenge: $0 to $1,000,000 - Day 84 (Nov. 24, 2017) : Daily Variation: +$5.50 ; Total: $30.66steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

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Web Development

W3Schools - ASP.Net

ASP.Net done! :) Next: JSON

50 / 50 Lessons Completed

18 / 28 Courses Completed

Crypto Earnings

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Blockchain Whitepapers

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Jobs Earnings - 0.00$

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*All token prices are taken from CoinMarketCap at the time I am writing this article.

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Vincent Boutin
CEO of Brainy Network Inc.

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Since you don't trade too much, and I'm more interested in your programming progress, why not provide a review of PHP vs. ASP? Are you going to learn Ruby on Rails, too?

I thought at first that I could be a professional web developer after reading all w3schools tutorials but it's not the case at all. These tutorials are kind of an overview of the languages. Also, since I learn so many languages at the same time, it's hard to remember everything.

So, let say I read an overview of both PHP and ASP.Net languages.
First thing with ASP.Net is it looks a bit messy. We don't know where to start. ASP.Net is not a language, but can be ran by two languages, C# and VB.

There was the first ASP Classic interface that was used by VBScript which is still used but not that much anymore. Then there is ASP.Net 4.6 and the new ASP.NET Core that should be used more and more in the future.

Let say that ASP.Net is a big toolbox created by Microsoft. It comes with many pre-built tools to facilitate the web development. Web Pages allows you to create charts, send e-mails, create a sortable webgrid, and plenty of other stuff.

In short, ASP.Net comes with Microsoft big multi-platforms toolbox. It's heavy, solid, robust, well made, but you gotta stick with it, C# as language, ASP.Net as server-side language, MS Access (Mostly I think) for databases, etc.

I like that PHP is open source and I prefer more freedom for the development stack. I am thinking about focusing on learning and mastering the LAMP stack (Linux Apache MySQL PHP), which are all pretty much the most used languages/Apps/OS for web development.

We can see that PHP is used much more than ASP.Net right now

So, I'm glad to learn the basics of many languages and platforms to have a better understanding of web development. But, I will start with PHP rather than ASP.Net. Maybe I will add ASP.Net in my portfolio once I'm really good with the LAMP stack, but that will be in some time.