Zero to Hero Challenge: $0 to $1,000,000 - Day 19

Yesterday was a complete day off for me. I helped my mom moving out all day, then went to a hockey game with my father visiting me.
Please hang on, I will work my ass off to reach this goal and post more entertaining articles!
Jobs Earnings - 0.64$
Some jobs I completed in the previous days got approved today.

Crypto Earnings

I thank all my upvoters and followers everyday of this challenge :)
No trading

If you liked what you saw and read, the best way to encourage me is to upvote my posts and/or follow me. Really no need to tip, I prefer to deserve my earnings through upvotes.
I will Power Up all the Steem Dollars I earn from upvotes, and will count them in my holdings to help me accomplish my goal. I know STEEMs are a good holding, so I plan to not touch them for years.
Vincent Boutin
CEO of Brainy Network Inc.
You can also follow us on Twitter @brainy_network and Facebook
eheh it is slowing down, you need more money to invest in cryptos!
Yeah I will work on a good balance of time spent between learning trading and the best paying jobs I can find.