RE: Zero to Hero Challenge: $0 to $1,000,000 - Day 38
HODLing is definitely a profitable and safe way to invest in cryptos. Especially for no-trading experience people. You just have to carefully select the highest potential growth coins and stick to them.
On the other hand, the compounding potential profits of crypto trading is insane. Some coins are doing 10% - 20% swings everyday. Some good traders are making a fortune right now and I want to rake my share of it! Haha.
About my all-in on NEO, I agree it's risky. But, my reasons for going with NEO is that it's the highest volume coin, its daily swings are high (so high profits potential), and it should rise a lot in a near future. I see it as okay to risk my $200 worth portfolio right now. I am learning and getting experience while risking not much. Once I get an income from web development, I will be a better trader and won't risk as much.