Top 10 Underdog Altcoins under $1 USD

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

Many of you know that bitcoin prices have went down a bit. This change could mean that it's time to buy more BTC, or invest in a solid altcoin to ride the wave to crypto riches (maybe). There's a lot that can be inferred by a bitcoin price drop and altcoin price spikes are one of them. Since I generally try not to spend huge sums of money to secure 1 whole alt coin, I will be talking about some promising altcoins with a low price tag (less than$1 USD) and a lot of potential.

I'll be ranking these coins based off of a mix of it's community, age, potential to at least double it's value, supply and market cap.

#10 - Storj

  • Current price - $0.57 USD
  • Market cap - $54,828,027
  • The tech - Storj is decentralized storage network (cloud). it's claim to fame low cost storage for everyone. This coin is actually an etherium token designed to help keep transaction fees down.
  • My thoughts - Storj is an awesome coin to have if you're currently using AWS or another cloud service to store your file being that this is a much more affordable solution. However, being that this is a utility token that's designed to keep the network feeds low I wouldn't expect the price to go to high on this one. Furthermore, this coin has a really solid community and extensive API for developers.

#9 - ReddCoin

  • Current price - $0.001232
  • Market cap - $35,244,872 USD
  • The tech - Redcoin is a cryptocurrency that's designed to seamlessly integrate into popular social media platforms. Users can then potentially send micro donations to anyone on any social media platform.
  • My thoughts - The concept is great for content curators. However, the concept is a new one and will take some time for more users to accept ReddCoin as a way to tip people on social media.

#8 - PotCoin

  • Current price - $0.096836
  • Market cap - $21,094,321
  • The Tech - PotCoin is a proof of stake coin that's centralized around the legal marijuana industry. The concept is for PotCoin to become a decentralized banking system for weed dispensaries and other legal marijuana business people (lol sounds crazy I know).
  • My Thoughts - To some this may be a controversial coin but to them I say bitcoin itself is still controversial lol. I believe the weed industry is booming and will continue to do so. However, here in the states the biggest pain point for dispensaries is being able to actually bank in the US being that the federal laws are still not 100% on their side. If PotCoin can find an easy way to accept cash for coin without using a bank then the price on this coin would soar.

#7 - Butst

  • Current price - $0.013335
  • Market cap - $24,007,351
  • The Tech - This coin is a POC (proof of capacity) coin, meaning you can actually mint new coins just by allocating hard drive space to the coin. Per the coin official site their algorithm favors smaller miners and is a lot more energy efficient in its minting process.
  • My Thoughts - This coin is really onto something great. As the price of large external hard drives go down this will open the door for more individuals to get involved and make a decent amount of money.

#6 - Wings

  • Current price - $0.703392
  • Market cap - $63,100,124
  • The Tech - Wings is a decentralized prediction market built on the back of a cryptocurrency blockchain.This coins is actually a coin etherian based token.
  • My Thoughts - This coin has been receiving a steady daily growth and I wouldn't be surprised if this coin passes the $1 usd mark soon. The AI behind this coin is pretty new and once it's understood more by the masses I'm sure we'll see a decent spike.

#5 - Lykke

  • Current price - $0.328108
  • Market cap - $87,782,036
  • The Tech - Lykke is a decentralized coin exchange. This coin's focus it to allow anyone to exchange from currencies with ZERO commission to a centralized exchange.
  • My Thoughts - This coin is a game changer and is one of those ideas that make you wonder what took so long for something like this to come about. Once more, people become aware of how useful and cost effective a coin like this is, i'm sure it'll spike. However, I don't expect the price to go super high since this coin is also a utility token and it wouldn't make sense to have a $1000usd coin that's designed to be an affordable currency exchange.

#4 - Ardor

  • Current price - $0.123223
  • Market cap - $123,099,715
  • The Tech - Ardor allow developers to easily create their own blockchain through a concept called BAAS (blockchain as a service). This coin also implements voting and phasing features to their blockchain technology that fit all kinds of new use cases.
  • My Thoughts - There are banks and other non bitcoin related companies who are really looking into getting into the blockchain world. Ardor can be the go to solution for developers to spin up a new block chain on a case by case basis.

#3 - DigiByte

  • Current price - $0.019682
  • Market cap - $172,064
  • The Tech - DigiByte is all about cyber security and is designed to detect and combat threats.
  • My Thoughts - Think of DigiByte as a decentralized antivirus software. Cyber threats are on the rise and everyone needs a coin like this.

#2 - Ripple

  • Current price - $0.213132
  • Market cap - $8,172,299,708
  • The Tech - Ripple is a decentralized payment system.
  • My Thoughts - Think of Ripple as a direct competitor to western union but as a decentralized cryptocurrency. Ripple wants to be the quickest way from fiat currency to crypto currency which is a huge pain point for all coins.

#1 - BitSend

  • Current price - $0.387590
  • Market cap - $6,338,065
  • The Tech - Bitsend is a new masternode coin similar to Dash. Masternodes are systems that reward people who keeps a collateral of coins on their local server to process transaction in exchange for rewards similar to what a miner would see.
  • My Thoughts - Out of all the coins on the list I believe bitsend has the most immediate growth potential. This coin is the only masternode coin on the list and cost a fraction of the amount of Dash. From a technical stance the coin has a lot of advantages over dash, including Segwit which is already implemented and has a much higher ROI at 3.44% compared to Dash's 69%. You could hold this coin and ride the wave or grab enough to set up a masternode and make passive income without touching your initial investment. Once this coin receives some exposure I'm very confident that the price will go to the moon!

I'm not affiliated with any of these coins but after doing research to compile this non-bias list I have since invested in each coin. I did not want to pass on any info /advice without being in the game myself. My game plan is to do a post like this every 90 days or so to see which coins are still on the list and what new coins get added to the list so please follow and comment. If you know of a coin that should be added to the next list then please reach out to me (contact info is below).

In conclusion I would like to say that I'm just a crypto geek and I am by no means a financial adviser. As always you should research everything before investing and never just blindly take the word of some guy on the internet you never met before (Me).

Let's converse...

Contact info:
Comment below or reach me on twitter @bencbond


Interesting info, I still think the Grahene based coins are way better then these coins.

Numbers 7, 3 & 1 definitively stand out for me personally. Especially 1 as you've mentioned. Great job!! Thanks for the info :):)

Great article man! That Reddcoin seems best to me. I am going to tweet this out.

Thanks! I'm curious how the the prices on these coins will look in like 90 days.

Wings and Ripple were the two that jumped out at me. Thanks for this Bennie.

Yea they both seem like two solid coins. To be honest I believe every coin on this list could at the very least double in price.

@bennie, what are your thoughts on DOGE????

@kimmydee2, I actually used to have some DOGE coin in the early days and am almost certain that it'll never make it to $1 usd. If it did then it's market cap would be at over $110 billion USD. But people can still make decent money trading in bulk with DOGE.

Good to know, my fiance basically told me the same thing.....I kind of agree and will be careful with it for sure!

focus on new coin that have a purpose with great tech and great developers

Thanks! I'm learning about all of that still.....It is a very interesting thing, but confusing at times ;)

I have to add the Rise coin to the list! Maby you should check it out. They have a pretty active slack community, with dev's in the channels!

Thanks for your post, will check some coins out!

I'll have to check out Rise coin. Thanks for your comment!

Bitsend seems interesting i'll check it out thx

Yes I actually spoke with the dev team in their slack channel and they have some pretty solid guys working on this coin.

As a newbie in crypto, this list is AWESOME! Thanks!

Thanks! I'm so glad you like the post.

I still think ripple have much more potential than we think, in long term, it is advised to hold onto ripple as trend line is showing upwards inclinations on the graph.


My question about potCoin is, why would dispensaries use potCoin and not bitcoin or Zcash? Or ethereum? I don't see what is so special about that coin or why would dispensaries choose it over other more solid ones. If anyone explains why I would consider it because I understand marihuana is becoming a huge and more legal industry

That's a great point. I think a lot of that all boils down to marketing. If potcoin markets to dispensaries and actually make dispensaries lives easier then they'll win. But you're right as I see it they're just another crypto that happens to be named PotCoin but we all know how perception can effect the market.