Sweatpants, Piledrivers and Antshares – My first 5 days of Crypto Mayhem

It is 03.43 a.m here in Germany… I am sitting in my kitchen, wearing nothing but my grey sweatpant that I love so much. Need to go to work in 3 hours .. but I don’t want to miss.

4 hours ago I saw a video about steem from @jerrybenfield on YT and now I’m here throwing my nice German-English on you and trying to recapture the last 5 days of bloody Crypto mayhem.

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T-5 - Intro

My friend Jay came over to my place to have a look on my new ASUS R.O.G (I was so innocent and sweet). So we were drinking a beer or two, talking some geeky shit about steam (not steem) and the new humble bundles as he all of the sudden pulled out his phone , had a look on it and then said as it was the normalest thing of the world: „wow Ether is down again, need to buy some more“.

You know those guys that punch your face with buzz words they are 100% sure you have no clue about – just to come to the point that you have to put down your pants and ask like a baby: What is this Ether? Please tell me about it Daddy!!!

So like every grown man would do in this situation I just said: „Ah ok“
But this guy is not a one time shooter: „Yeah last weekend was a crash on all coins, check out on Polo“. Ok Warren Buffet please tell me about this one!!

This was the moment that turned my last 5 days into a 90s wrestling match.


T-4 – Starting the Feud

I tried to forget about this all Ether & Polo thing I heard of the day before and focus on some important NBA 2k online matches again some 12 year old kidos. But for some reason I could not.

Google: „what is Ether?“

5 hours later of googling, youtubing, reditting and tons of Kinder Chocolate I found myself again where I started --- Still no clue what this is all about---BUT willing to take a match with this one.


T-3 – From Mark to Real

After crushing all social networks and google , I still got the feeling that I was not well prepared for the match, so I bought some courses on Udemy since I had the feeling that all infos I have received on YT are connected to affiliates or „make money fast online“ claims which always gives me the feeling of getting ripped off.

So in addition to a basic Crypto course I also bought a trading course aaaaaand clotheslined both in a single day watching it in 2x speed like a super intelligent maniac. Those 2 courses at least let me understand the fundamentals of Blockchain technology & also how to handle those millions accounts I have to setup.

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T-2 – The Run in

Wallet – Check
Deposit – Check
Exchange – Check

After 2 days of screaming and yelling, smashing my opponent in the changing room. I was ready to get the match started.

What should I buy?
Hypes Hypes Hypes eveeeerywhere.
I got caught by the piedpipers out there and ended with a portfolio of 12!! different coins, tokens, stamps, stickers, coupons.

„Antshare Antshare you have to buy Antshare--- go to the moooooon!“
„EOS will crush ETHER in 1 year“
„OMG is the fuuuutuuure!“

So I collect them like Pokemon cards and will sell my car to afford them!!!!
By the way: Not a single Ether was in my Portfolio – which was the reason I have started with this.

This match started horrible, I got stone cold stunned in the first 10 seconds… will I recover?

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T-1 – Five moves of doom

After 2 hours of sleep and a whole day in the office I felt like I was 3 days in Berghain raving my ass off. So I just said: I don’t want to live like that!
So I made the only right thing you can do in this game if you like to live a halfway normal life:
Choose 5 coins that I

  • Understand
  • Use / will use
  • Really believe in
    And then lay back and choose a good color for next year‘s Lambo.

So I sold my other 7 coins/tokens (surprisingly with some profit :D ) and tombstoned this guy in the heeeaaaven.

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T-0 – False finish

So I thought I can continue with having an average German life, before I watched @jerrybenfield on Youtube talking about Steem and how much he love it. I have read at least 30 posts in the last 2 hours and I love it tooo! So here I am again… 04.48 am … writing a post on the most exciting SN. I think I will give him the finisher tomorrow… I am tired.


Excellent post, we all are or have been in your shoes, watch , study buy and then wonder if we made a mistake!

thanks @buster544
If I had put this effort into my studies in university I would have more PHDs than Coins right now :D

Excellent article, I am new here and I have found your article very helpful. Thank you very much! @arty-all-day

You know those folks that punch your face with trendy expressions they are 100% certain you have no idea about – just to get to the heart of the matter that you need to put down your jeans and ask like a child: What is this Ether? If you don't mind inform me concerning it Daddy!!!