Omnitude: ECOM Tokens

The Omnitude technology allows the users to create or built a board variety of unique applications.
What are ECOM tokens?

ECOM is token which vigorously presents these rewards to the involvement that is been taken for this prime project.
- An ECOM token is launched besides the Omnitude Platform. The traders (merchants, suppliers and customers) will need this ECOM tokens or cryptocurrencies or FIAT to be part of the Omnitude ecosystem.
- The initial ECOM tokens issued are used for the development of the Omnitude platform and the ecosystem.
- It has created a common settlement method for all the participants in the Omnitude ecosystem.
The types of fraudulent in eCommerce are as follows:

There are lot of issues in the online transaction industry. In the recent survey 45% of the traders (merchants or suppliers or customers) have lost $1 million in revenue to the challenges faced by them. This occurs while the transaction occurs between the cross channels.
Online transactions or payment fraudulent has grown up to a bigger disaster for the eCommerce merchants. According to Juniper Research in 2016 for every transaction of $100 spent by the customer or merchants in the eCommerce, the fraudsters have stolen 5.65cents.
The four most common types of fraud that occurs in ecommerce are:

CLEAN FRAUD: The fraudsters make purchases on behalf of the customer by accurately making fake accounts of the cardholders through the procurement of the extensive amounts of personal data.
ACCOUNT TAKEOVER: An account takeover can occur when the hacker or fraudster hacks the customer’s account and acts a customer and then makes unauthorized transactions.
IDENTITY FRAUD: Identity theft occurs when the hacker or fraudster accumulates all the personal information of the customer. For example: The customer’s name, Date of Birth., to execute the Identity fraud.
RE-SHIPPING: The scam occurs when the people are promised the reasonable sum of money for repacking and sending the merchandise that was originally ordered and which is sent to the foreign address. The items in the boxes are purchased using the stolen credit cards of the people.
For more information:
For future viewers: price of bitcoin at the moment of posting is 9223.80USD
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