KRYLL Infrastructure:

Be it whatever is the circumstance or state, the infrastructure of Kryll is designed in such a way that it automatically scales and provides maximum performance on time to all the connected users and strategies which is being processed. The user data of KRYLL is of the highest worth and that is the reason why the security level is taken very seriously. In addition to our servers which are in existence under the everlasting DDOS Protection, we also plan up to have external security audits which occur every quarter of the year. To insure all the things are safe and steady to protect the data.
The KRYLL Platform will implement the strategies which are designed by the users via the APIs which are provided by the supported exchanges. When the exchanges are allowed, KRYLL platform makes sure that the API key does not permit any of the withdrawals of funds, to ensure that the users currencies remain securely in their custody.
Economy of Smart Tokens

The platform economy is depended on its value tokens (KRL) which can spent while using the strategies in live trading. While each live trading strategies are executed the will cost some dynamism or energy that is (KRL Fractions) which are again depended on the complication or complexity of the task executed.
• For all the individual users all the testing’s like backtests, sandbox and strategy creation are for free of cost.
• Apart from the KRL fractions which are being spent in the platform to fuel the live trading strategies, no other further expenses are charged by the platform.
• There is no subscription planning charge on the platform.
• There are no hidden fees which are applicable to the users
• There are no commissions charged on the trade.
• Also, there are no strategy rent fees charged for the users on this platform.
Rate Governance or Cost Guidance of KRYLL

The token value of the KRYLL (KRL) is compared to USD which will differ over the time. An independent decentralized smart agreement will re-assess every 48 hours. It releases the energy needed to function the blocks in order to keep it in a fair level for all the users, whatever the value of the token takes over the time period.
The strategies provided by the community of
While the usage of the strategy which is provided by the creators, an energy will be directed to the platform to fuel it up. ALSO, a surplus of Krylls which are set by the creator as a reward or token of appreciation for the all the work. will never charge a fee for the users on the strategy which are being shared or rented.
The guideline of

From (07th February 2018) to (6th March 2018): All the early adopters token sale will happen with the bonus points from 5% to 30%.
From (6th March 2018) to (20th March 2018): Token sale will take place without any Bonus sale.
APRIL 2018: KRL Token secretion on the Ethereum blockchains.
SUMMER 2018: Funder Edition will occur which closes all the Alpha version of token sale for the investors.
NOVEMBER 2018: Companion App (many Alerts, launchers, metrics and order will be on place)
DECEMBER 2018: Open Beta Version will be launched or commenced.
IN 2019: V1 will be released at the first half of the beginning.
Summer 2019: Enhanced Edition with the advanced technical analysis and machine learning will be launched.
IN 2020: Open SDK will be started (Worldwide Hackathons).
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Thanks and Regards,
For future viewers: price of bitcoin at the moment of posting is 9186.10USD