The INS ecosystem will be the first global decentralized wholesale market where consumers can buy products directly from producers, enjoy low transparent prices for a wide range of high quality products, and save on direct promotions. Manufacturers compete for consumers and interact with them directly.

Comparison with competitors

INS Ecosystem Limited, established as a BVI ("INS") company, is an authorized entity that creates INS tokens, platforms and technologies. INS focuses on releasing open source cryptography technology that enables operations in the INS ecosystem. To avoid any doubt, the INS token does not provide token holders with ownership or other interests in the INS. The Token holder is not entitled to a form of dividend, income distribution, and guaranteed voting rights.

To become an ecosystem participant, users create accounts on the INS platform. During registration, the system will create user profiles and wallets. Each ecosystem participant will be equipped with a wallet that stores all data in a decentralized database and interacts with others, using smart contracts. We plan to place an INS token on the exchange of cryptographic tokens, providing an opportunity to purchase them openly (to residents of countries where digital token purchases do not violate local laws)

How INS Works


The ecosystem will be built in accordance with a measurable and decentralized approach that ensures long-term stability and sustainability.

The ecosystem will involve the following participants, who will participate as depicted in the following diagram:

● Platform
● Consumer
● Manufacturers
● Fulfillment (operator of fulfillment centers and workers, couriers)


The INS platform is a decentralized market that allows manufacturers to join, publish their products for sale, conduct promotional and loyalty campaigns, and get customer feedback. This allows consumers to order the product and facilitate order fulfillment process.

The role of INS includes:

● the creation of token tokens and token launches to fund development and expansion
● Establishment of decentralized, fair and secure models for order execution
● Development of smart contracts to carry out payment processing and order fulfillment
● Release of customer and app websites, fulfillment applications for central and courier center workers, and web interface for fulfillment and fulfillment center operators
● Creating an effective incentive model for all parties to join the INS ecosystem
● Development of an active marketing campaign to ignite initial traction
● Elaboration of ecosystem regulatory aspects


Manufacturers are companies or individuals in the business of fresh produce, groceries and household goods consumption. They range from local farmers to large multinational companies, such as Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Coca-Cola, etc.

The producer's role includes:

● Publish the product
● Submit products ordered by the consumer to the fulfillment center
● Promote the INS ecosystem by bringing in traffic through a subsidiary app promotion


Consumers are individuals or companies who want to buy high quality groceries online at cheaper prices. Orders may be placed through the INS website, INS applications or manufacturers-specific apps from app reference implementations.

Consumer roles include:

● Find products listed by the manufacturer, create an order and pay for them 17
● Participate in feedback requests
● Receive promotions, loyalty, referrals and feedback



The fulfillment center operator is the owner or tenant of existing warehousing facilities and / or shipping fleet. They provide a place where workers bring products delivered by manufacturers and make orders.

INS will involve an independent fulfillment center operator to join the ecosystem to trigger rapid geographic expansion.


Fulfillment of central workers, employed by the fulfillment center operators or acting as independent contractors, will follow the instructions received through the INS compliance application to:

● Collect products sent by the manufacturer to the fulfillment center
● Assemble products into order
● Graduated collect orders to the courier

INS will seek to attract independent workers to join the ecosystem.


Courier, employed by the courier company or acting as an independent contractor, will follow the instructions received through the INS compliance application to:

● Take orders from the fulfillment center
● Giving orders to consumers INS will seek to attract courier couriers and courier companies to join the ecosystem.


Blockchain is a shared-database technology, the most popular for underlying bitcoin digital currency. It works with related databases that update the digital ledger non-stop.

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with terms of agreement between buyer and seller directly written into the line of code. The codes and agreements contained therein are in a distributed and decentralized blockchain network. Smart contracts allow credible transactions and agreements to be made between unclear and anonymous parties without the need for central authority, the legal system, or external enforcement mechanisms. They make transactions traceable, transparent, and irreversible.

The INS platform is designed as a system with very high loads. The market potential for the INS ecosystem consists of billions of users, each producing dozens of orders per year. The main focus is on performance, where we seek intelligent contract support, predictability, stability, and ease of use. We plan to use the most proven and scalable open source technologies and continue to monitor alternative technical implementations.

Because existing blockchain platforms such as Ethereum have limitations inherent in transaction bandwidth (currently limiting a dozen tx / sec), and prospective platforms and frameworks are only in the development stage, we are also considering designing and developing our own future INS blockchain platform in the future , in which the node is selected from a semi-trusted set of supporters. With confidence in the node, we will implement one of the consensus algorithms much faster than the BFT family (HoneyBadgerBFT / Zyzzyva / other), allowing up to thousands of transactions per second. A smart contract virtual machine will run on top of the consensus algorithm.

The blocked state of the INS will be regularly folded into the most popular smart book (at least ETH) so that the evidence and proof of transaction (inside the INS) can be verified by the Ethereum smart contract (as it is currently done in BTCRelay or will be done in the future in Plasma). General optimization techniques such as state sharding and payment channels will also be applied.


● Smart contract
● Payment
● Supply chain management


Blockchain and smart contracts provide tools and frameworks to create a new generation of markets where supply and demand sides can engage in reliable trade transactions, in accordance with business rules, without the need for a central intermediate entity.

As a result, in the same way as the online market plagues many traditional brick and mortar businesses, blockchain and smart contracts will spawn a new kind of peer-to-peer market that will disrupt current market flows.

INS will provide a number of smart contract templates that will be used to simplify the sales mechanism. The peer-to-peer structure is particularly well suited for decentralized ecosystems of the INS ecosystem and has the advantage of handing power back to those participating in the ecosystem.


The current e-commerce payment process includes more than 10 different steps to complete the transaction and up to 15 separate charges to pay the payment gateway, so transaction costs range from 2% to 6%, short cut-off routes using blockchain. Blockchain is the perfect tool for e-commerce to be more efficient and more trustworthy. The process of payment through blockchain has a much greater transaction potential for transaction speed and low prices, let alone all possible variations on how smart contracts can improve e-commerce and payment. The tokenized token will provide a complete token-based system, similar to "real" money where tokens are sent and exchanged at different times and for different reasons, based on predetermined rules and events.


E-commerce companies must manage the supply chain of manufacturers, third-party vendors, operators and complex logistics providers. Blockchain transactions, containing details of orders and negotiable fees and commissions (in the form of smart contracts) will be used to capture documents, shipments and possible return events, and encourage financial settlement with fewer opportunities for dispute. The public nature of blockchain-records means that each party can make the data visible to others. All parties have visibility to the transaction and no special interface should be negotiated between partners (only to / from blockchain).

Blockchain is a recording system for all transactions. It not only records transactions, but also encourages the whole process. This will reduce the delay time, add human costs and errors that interfere with today's transactions, automate inventory controls, and simplify compliance processes, but mistakes to some extent are possible because shopping products are not digital, the blocked notes of their tracks must be post-factum.


Products in the consumer market are basic items of spin action. To be easy and convenient, products on the INS platform are required to have some specified parameters, such as name, task category, volume, price, description, material, etc. Which makes it easy to find and select products for ordering.


Consumers choose products to purchase, specify delivery details, and pay in fiat, BTC, ETH or INS tokens. Depending on the method of payment, the consumer will be entitled to different prices and rewards.

Consumers may order products using official INS sites, official apps or derivatives of authorized apps issued by certain manufacturers.


Decentralized file storage networks (we explore options from IPFS to Storj) are used to maintain the latest product database registered by the manufacturer.

Consumers can apply sorting and filters to choose what they want to buy. Manufacturers can distribute proprietary applications derived from reference implementations, where they can choose custom sorting methods and filters for the product.

68% of consumers who shop online say they are very likely to change wholesalers for a better online shopping experience (fast, easy, convenient, fun). Browsing tens of thousands of online products can be very scary for consumers, so we'll make it as easy as possible for them to find the products they love. For example, we will provide catalog filters for item attributes such as Local, Gluten-Free, Organic and On Sale.

We will use 1-to-1 personalization right from the homepage where consumers feel that the experience has been tailored specifically to them. Consumers will see their previous orders, have access to the items they buy the most, and show relevant products and specials based on their shopping history. 1-to-1 personalization will continue to search results, products displayed at the top of each department, product recommendations in cart, and daily / weekly deals.


Today's consumers have a variety of choices about where to shop, and sellers need to work hard to get repeat business. Rewards and discount programs give consumers more reasons to return, especially in competitive wholesale markets. In the INS ecosystem, manufacturers will be able to apply the logic in smart contracts to create bespoke reward programs according to their needs.


The loyalty reward mechanism is one of the best ways for producers to easily create loyalty programs to reward long-term customers. Payments are processed by smart contracts making it possible to prove that consumers are eligible for prizes.

Manufacturers establish rules such as gift type, expiration date, product list that can be used for prizes, amounts, etc. The loyalty award instrument will be coded in an intelligent contract, which receives a gift fund from the manufacturer and distributes it to those who provide proof of eligibility related to the consumer wallet.


Promotional reward mechanisms are automatically built to incentivize consumers to make the first order. Promotional reward mechanisms will be coded in smart contracts, where manufacturers set rules (expiration dates, product lists, customer parameters, etc.) and token deposits that can only be used for pre-determined purchases. products within a limited time frame.


Cross marketing mechanisms will be used by manufacturers to promote products to new audiences and generate more sales. Manufacturers can find other partners that create custom applications and sell complementary products, and cross promote each other.

Cross marketing awards instruments will be coded in smart contracts, where product details and award rules are determined. The cross-marketing mechanism aims to provide manufacturers with incentives to share app traffic with other manufacturers and help consumers find more products.


INS will create the INS Reserve Fund as part of a token generation event with the primary goal of using this token as a reference for new customers and popularizing the INS ecosystem.


Manufacturers, who want to receive direct customer feedback about their products, will be able to incentivize consumers with an INS token to motivate them to participate. The feedback reward mechanism makes it possible to establish a set of specific parameters and create a consumer focus group from which the manufacturer wants to receive feedback. The customer data will not be shared with the manufacturer and will initially be centrally processed on the INS platform, but then decentralized as consumers will provide proof of privacy eligibility to preserve the feedback without being done. identified


Our roadmap involves many different aspects, such as technology development, installment of operational infrastructure, signing collaboration, and launch of marketing initiatives. An initial road map is presented below. Date and activity may change at any time.


Website: https://ins.world
Whitepaper: https://ins.world/INS-ICO-Whitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ins.ecosystem
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ins_ecosystem
Telegram: https://t.me/ins_ecosystem

Andri.Ghani: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=909630

ETH Address: 0x91C8071B34A3F23A484ec00d14cdFF8A9035a4ED