NODE "Intelligent technology for wireless energy"steemCreated with Sketch.

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The reviews I will be informing you will invite you to project, advance, succeed from the NODE project.

Here's a quick review of the NODE project

On the basis of several discoveries in the field of high frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields made in the 70s-80s, it is proposed that it be possible to transfer energy through the atomic magnetic moment of matter, which is the starting point for Node research. .Node was created with the aim of developing and implementing the commercial use of new wireless energy transmission technology, developed and tested several years ago by a team of physicists from Russia.

Prior to this, from October 2012 to May 2016, a number of studies were conducted in the fields of semiconductor materials, ceramic materials and their interactions with high-frequency electromagnetic impulse fields by team members. Gradually, various experimental evidence of the phenomenon of energy transmission through the magnetic moment of the material atom is obtained, and the condition is defined where such a transmission takes place. At the same time, the decision to commercialize this technology was made.
From May 2016 through March 2017, the project team created technological solutions for commercial use, development schemes, and selected components. A month later, a successful final test of several prototype devices from 1W to 150W has been performed. In the period from May to July 2017, a design concept was developed, materials and technology selected for the production line of consumer products. In May 2017, the official registration of the company was made, the settlement account was opened, the domain name and hosting were purchased, and the search for actively initiated funding sources. TECHNOLOGY Generally, two fundamentally different schemes are being explored and improved by scientists:

  • In an induction coil or electrical transformer, which has a metal or air core, energy is transferred by a simple electromagnetic connection called magnetic induction. By using this method, the transmission and reception of energy becomes feasible at a considerable distance, but to obtain a significant voltage in this way it is necessary to set two coils very close to each other.
  • A magnetic / capacitive resonance clutch is used, where both inductors are tuned to a common frequency, so a large amount of energy can be sent over a considerable distance.

Understanding Node

Node is a revolutionary high-tech start-up, which disrupts the wireless market niche of transmission devices for personal and commercial use. Our innovative development, research activities in the field of electrical storage and transmission, allow us to get solutions characterized by quality and efficiency high usage.

As wireless transfer technology increases in consumer electronics, industrial and medical industries shift their focus to this technology and the inherent advantages. As the communication interface becomes more wireless with technologies such as WLAN and Bluetooth, wireless power transfer has become the relevant choice. A completely new approach can be drawn that not only are clear technical advantages, but also opens up possibilities for new industrial designs. This technology presents a new concept - especially in industrial sectors that struggle with tough environmental conditions, aggressive cleaning agents, heavy and high mechanical stresses (eg ATEX, drugs, construction machinery). For example, expensive and fragile slip rings or contacts can be replaced.

By 2017, the Node brand was created to implement project ideas, register intellectual property rights, and attract key specialists in the field of wireless energy transmission, to participate in product development. Currently, it offers a number of technical solutions in the field of wireless energy transmission - from electronic goods to industrial products. The product-making process using Node-derived technology has passed the experimental study stage until the successful creation and final testing of the prototype device. The ITO (Initial Token Offering) project, presented by Node, is a fundraising operation devoted to the continuous commercialization of technology and production of devices.

Achievements and innovations in technology, as well as increased production of autos, households, portable electronics, mobile phones, notebooks, tablets and other energy-dependent products will, without a doubt, increase and sustain the level of demand for wireless energy. transfer system Due to the availability of wireless charging technology, the use of various energy-dependent devices is simplified and at the same time more effective.

The introduction of wireless power transmission extends the product life cycle, reducing the need for power lines and waste management. Although wireless technology is not created for environmental care purposes, it is certainly effective in this regard and will greatly affect the environment. The impact on external devices and environments, can be ascertained in relation to the ecological type.

Revenue from wireless energy transmission products is estimated at about 2.43 billion USD, the bulk of which is the consumer electronics segment. It is expected that by 2022 the wireless transmission device market will grow to 11.27 billion USD, an increase of 23.15% between 2017 and 2022. that, with the help of innovation and innovation in various areas of this industry, it is possible to achieve projected earnings in the industry in 2024 at a rate of 12.43 billion USD. Worldwide sales of wireless transmission devices, one thousand pcs Market structure for wireless energy transmission by region.



Flexible pad for wireless charging of electronic devices. space outsized surface charging allows you to charge many devices, putting them in terms of terms or maybe each other.

  1. Target price ~ $ 9
  2. Surface area 300x200mm
  3. Transmitted power up to 10W
  4. 5V USB power supply


Token NODE gives you a single chance to take a position in revolutionary revolutionary technology products - wireless transmission devices for every non-public use and business. The collection of funds is intended to finance the production, promotion and sale of Node devices.

The current stage of development is the best time to invest:

  1. Checkmark R & D section, production and testing emblem successfully completed
  2. Check marks All Prototype tests show full compliance with the declared characteristics
  3. CheckmarkMaximum potential increase in investment
  4. Checkmark Protects risk associated with product performance
  5. Checkmark Opportunities usually accessible only by business angels and venture capitalists.

Total number of tokens including Pre-ITO: 10 million
All tokens that are unsold and not shared or will be burned

Token Distribution: 2% of the token sold in the bounty program


Pre-ITO (0.5 mln $):

  • Apps for trademarks in Europe and the United States December 2017 - January 2018
  • Request for patents in Europe and the United States (technology) January 2018 - February 2018
  • Finalize the legal structure of ITO, get legal opinion December 2017 - January 2018
  • Marketing campaign for ITO January 2018 - March 2018

ITO (2.5-10 mln $):

  • Test and earn Alpha certification in Europe and the United States January 2018 - March 2018
  • Consignment production of Alpha Trial March 2018 - May 2018
  • Test and earn certification for EON in Europe and the United States May 2018 - July 2018
  • Consignment production of Eon trial July 2018 - September 2018
  • Request for patents in Europe and the United States (design and model) (October 2018)

Our Road Map

10.2012 - 05.2016
The instigators of the project and like seek search in the field of semiconductors and ceramic materials and their interaction with impulsive magnetic fields with high magnetic fields.

Based on the results obtained, a decision was made to commercialize the technology

06.2016 - 06.2017
Development of schemes and technology solutions, component selection

Final successful testing of multiple prototype devices

05.2017 - 06.2017
Design concepts developed, materials and technologies for the manufacture of sample batches are selected

Registration of Node as a legal entity

06.2017 - 09.2017
Financing negotiations and preparation for ITO

10.2017 - 11.2017
Creation of corporate website and marketing materials

12.2017 - 01.2018
Pre-ITO period

12.2017 - 03.2018
Patent registration, product certification, starting from commercial lot production

01.2018 - 03.2018
ITO Period

Introduction of NODE tokens to trade exchanges

03.2018 - 06.2018
Launched Alpha production

05.2018 - 10.2018
Launch Eon production

07.2018 - 05.2019
Launched the production of Wireless Power Station

The Future of Wireless

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Created By
Andri.Ghani :;u=909630

ETH Address : 0x91C8071B34A3F23A484ec00d14cdFF8A9035a4ED