Guys, Logistics Is Being Disrupted!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Guys, Logistics Is Being Disrupted!

CEVA Logistics is a giant in logistics. It published the press release on August 10, sayint that it will join the platform, called TradeLens, created and being developed by the powerful due of IBM and Maerks.

It's clear that the logistics space opens up to enormous opportunities for disruption by blockchains since blockchains help streamline the business processes here. In what why? Well, in the nutshell, a blockchain is a list of transactions which can be amended and reviewed by multiple parties who don't trust each other, while the amendments made cannot be rolled back or changed. It doesn't mean that they are the worst enemies. It just means each party has dozens of employees who are authorized to make entries, so there is a "normally expected" lack of trust. After a party has made a change to the ledger, it should be made sure that nobody can tweak with such new records. Blockchains do just that - they enable parties to review the ledger, while also preventing people from unauthorized changes.

If you want to learn more about the ways to determine whether blockchains might be useful for a particular case, read this article ( It's really awesome and I've been rereading it for 3-4 times when I needed some guidance on respective questions.


As Cointelegraph reports (, TradeLens was released for the use by early adopters just a couple of days ago.

Already, there's been registered around 150 million shipping events with 1 million being recorded every day. Tons of ports, shipping companies and customs authorities are going in on the action here.

It is alive

Blockchains work. This is what hear when I read stories like that. Human being are extremely pragmatic and smart guys understand that tall stories about using blockchains in somes industries might be just pipe dreams.

But shipping has always been a perfect candidate for disruption. And as it turns out, this platform will disrupt it real good.

Other ICOs in logistics

What I think is that other ICOs in logistics might be much more survival-y and feasible-y as their brethren in less "business-process-y" industries.

What cool ICOs in logistics do you know of?