Mid Morning Vlog - Blood In The Streets, Keeping it in Perspective and Moving Forward
What Up Steemians,
I wasn't planning on doing a vlog this morning but I woke up to a sea of red. This obviously has everyone in a bad mood and negated all of the excitement that was felt when the markets were reaching all time highs. I feel that this is all by design though. As my man @geechidan once said the creeps from wall street are here now so what did we really except.
Sidenote: To all of the hip-hop heads @geechidan is doing a meet are greet on discord at 8 P.M. If you got some free time check it out.
Blood In The Streets

They are really thing as hard as they can to kill the spirit of this alternative market. It's to be expected as an institution that has been around for over a millennia and quite possibly even more knows all of the old tricks.
They are not going to take it lying down and make this financial revolution easy for the masses . What you are seeing right now is the banks fighting back and trying to ensure that they have a seat at the table.
Keeping it in Perspective

Now I know that not many people might not subscribe to astrology/astronomy but we just had a rare occurrence that happened with the moon two days ago. I did a vlog on it and I felt that things were going to get more topsy turvy as we start this new cycle.
Time is a funny thing in that it is only a relative measurement . You have to start from a specific point. It's the year 2018 but human civilization is much older than that. "They" started a cycle to usher in a new age and that is why we consider it the year 2018.
Another interesting fact is the the current western based zodiac astrology is based on the night sky as it was seen 2000 years ago. So if you were to use Google Sky and enter your birthdate and find the constellation that the sun was in when you were born that is your True astrological sign and not what is presented in supermarket tabloids.
Even if you don't believe in the zodiac you have to ask yourself why would this deception take place for over 2,000 years...
Moving Forward

These are part of the growing pains when it comes to cryptocurrency. If you were to look at this space it is only 9 years old . The last bitcoin block is expected to be mined in the year 2140.
We are only 9 years into a 131 year project!!
None of us will be here when the last bitcoin block is mined. What we are fighting for now will only begin the bare fruit long after we are gone. With all of the advancements in artificial intelligence and quantum computing I think cryptocurrency will end up playing an integral part in the next century and beyond.
So ask yourself what are your our personal goals outside of just making money. The currency in this current sea is only a tool to get you where you need to go. Stay Woke

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we have control over the volume of trades though, what if we just keep sending currency back and forth between one other? without losing value other than the nominal transactions fees. What do you think about that?
Buy when others fearful!
One of my friend asked me what is happening with the market and my answer was the same. Whales are playing with the emotions of the small investors
The funny thing about this is that, there are numerous posts which explain how whales do this. People read them, but nobody listens when its crunch time! This mentality is very interesting because it is seen in numerous industries. People are presented with information which is critical to their success. They read the information, but they don't digest it! When push comes to shove, they don't do it.
Hahha, yeah. That's true. It is just the way how we human beings behave.
I think the whales have been compromised and it's wall street playing with everyones emotions.
I guess it has only been one-month bitcoin futures listed on Wallstreet and we have this. I don't know what will happen when trading will start in Canada as Canada is also listing it.
yes you are right always the weak hands are affected in this market ,i will suggest everyone to HODL.
i must say this is the roaring topic now a days and has influenced 2018 from the start. The illustration is deep as it is suggesting the contribution of bitcoin disciples towards regulating the transaction on daily basis.
Hmmmm...... Quote a technical answer..... But I believe things will get better...... This might be a test to see those that will relent..... In reading, posting and doing other stuffs that they are meant to do.....
Interesting article! Thank you for sharing :D
i must say this is the roaring topic now a days and has influenced 2018 from the start. The illustration is deep as it is suggesting the contribution of bitcoin disciples towards regulating the transaction on daily basis.
Hit the nail on the head. The big money players have all of the tools at their disposal, including mainstream media, so they are likely bringing the market back down into buying range so they can reduce their risk exposure once they enter the market. Never hurts to take a look at Gann Dates!
That's exactly what I believe they are doing. I've met numerous whales at conventions, and they aren't worried at all about what's going on. In fact, many of them have their own groups where they use their inside knowledge to get ahead of everyone else.
I've never heard of Gann Dates. I did a quick google search and found it was created by William Delbert Gann. Yea from the looks of it seems like another for of divination. Just like reading charts. I'm going to look more into it. Thanks for he info!!
Thanks for getting on it. I love ur vibes.
it's will a short time to reach 6 USD per steem.
so don't worry all steemian and @alao
That day is going to be BEAUTIFUL
Steem is the last thing that is on my mind. As long at this site is here I'm going to keep doing my thing with it.
I'm enjoying your articles around this subject--infusing your knowledge of the innerworkings of reality contructs with how it is reflected in the markets. I'm learning a great deal and I'm glad to see you sharing your wisdom in this way...
Thanks the video you sent me really opened my eyes a bit as well too. The stock market crashing yesterday 666 points was weird as well.
the inner understanding does keep it all in perspective...
I was just listening to ILoveCrypto and he brought up that this gentleman Chris Moody used to chart the market based on moon phases on tradingview.com, he pointed out the blood moon correlating to failing economic points in history.
This post just happens to pop up soon after listening to that vlog on the crash. As far as not being here for the last block being mined, I would like to just respectfully disagree, some of us may still be around at that time.
My argument to disagree is stem cell advancements and the fact that a lot of millennials are seeing this new money from cryptocurrency investments, compound that with the fact that blockchain tech is basically science they almost go hand and hand.
I think a lot of the money people are seeing may start moving into the medical field and it may fund stem cell research based projects to extend life and decrease the aging process.
Of course a lot of factors come into play and I maybe way off on my theory but to me it makes sense that people that have made a lot of money would look at ways to live a long life. As far as astrology/astronomy I think more people should look into it as a way to navigate their life, to question the answers, and to answer the questions.
@alao I appreciate this post and I am pleased that I found a valuable steemian like yourself!
Please notify if my post was too much and I will delete it, I am new to Steemit.com and I am a little green on the proper etiquette for commenting on posts.
Hey man thanks for the comment. I'm always willing to hear someone elses opinion. I think there are no coincidences in life and the fact that you came here after listening to that vlog shows I'm touching on something.
As far as steem cell and living longer your right. The powers at be have been searching for immortality for ages so they can rule over the earth longer. It's sad really because the longer people are here the less that changes. You need new blood sort of speak. I know I won't be here for that long. I will need to move on the the next phase of my evolution.
Exactly!! I’m not sure if immortality is something I would want personally. I believe this reality is just the first chapter in a long book and to be in this realm “forever”....well nah not for me, I will finish this race to get to the next one. Thanks for the reply @alao