BOUNTY - Business Platform Backed by Smart-Contracts

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago


Blog posts campaign has started

Now you can post your texts in any blogs.

YouTube video promotion is accepted!

This is the official thread of the Ties.Network bounty campaign

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The Stakes that you will get from the campaign will allow you to receive TIE tokens approximately 2 weeks after the ICO closure.

Ties.Network bounty campaign token allocation

  • Translations & Community management campaign: 100 000 TIE
  • Twitter Campaign: 143 600 TIE
  • Blog posts campaign: 56 400 TIE

Why we decided to run the bounty campaign

  1. We are looking for the most passionate members of the cryptocommunity who are genuinely interested in Ties.Network.
  2. We are going to start building a strong Ties.Network community right now.
  3. We hope all participants will deepen their understanding of Ties.Network project during the campaign and share this knowledge with others.
  4. We believe in our project and when you believe in it too, we will give you TIE tokens in appreciation of your attention and help.

General terms

  • All stakes will be counted according to the rules of the campaign. We do not accept complaints from participants.
  • Check your Ethereum wallet address before sending it. You can not change it later. DO NOT USE YOUR CRYPTO-EXCHANGE ETH ADDRESS! You can’t change ETH address later.
  • The registration forms will be removed after the participants limit has been reached. This post will be updated then.
  • The lists of participants and their stakes will be posted later.

We don't accept any more participants

Reserved translations:















T&CM campaign list and their stakes: open


  • Translate our main Bitcointalk ICO ANN thread opening post to your language and start new local thread.
  • Translate all our updates in the main thread and post in your local thread.
  • Manage the thread after translation.


  • Maximum number of participants is 15. The signup form will be removed after the limit has been reached.
  • There can only be one participant per language.
  • Your Bitcointalk account rank must be at least Jr. (Junior) member with non-negative trust.
  • You should have similar working experience. Do not forget to enter the links to your previous work in the signup form.
  • You should not use any translation services, otherwise you will be disqualified.
  • Local thread opening post must contain the link to the main ANN ICO thread.
  • You are fully responsible for the thread after translation. Do not allow spam or off-topic messages, you will have to control the thread and keep it on topic.
  • All confirmed participants will manage our official ICO ANN local threads, so we are are looking for experienced and reliable people for cooperation. We will contact the candidates personally to discuss the details of co-working.
  • Use your own ETH address to get the bounty tokens. NEVER use your crypto-exchange Ethereum wallet. You will not have access to your TIE tokens if you use crypto-exchange wallet address!

Stakes counting

  • Translating Ties.Network ANN opening post: 10 stakes.
  • Translating our main updates: 1 stake / 1 update.
  • Moderation: 1 stake / 1 week of active moderation.

How to join

  • Check the terms and rules. Make sure your Bitcointalk account meets the requirements.
  • Follow the JOIN link and CAREFULLY fill out the signup form. We will not be able to accept your data or transfer the tokens if you enter incorrect data.
  • Do not write us on Bitcointalk, Slack, etc. after sending the signup form. We will review your data and contact you if you are accepted. If we will receive such a message, we will conclude that you did not read the rules, and you will not be accepted.

We don't accept any more participants

Greetings to all participants of the Twitter campaign!

All of you are waiting for the publication of the spreadsheet to find out how many stakes have been received. We checked your work several times and came to the following conclusions:

  1. Flood in tweets and comments continues to be published. Tweets like TIES is good are published to increase the number of stakes. At the same time, many participants spend time and energy, not fully understanding the requirements.
  2. Tracking retweets does not give a 100% accurate result, but we can evaluate the activity of the participants.
  3. The effectiveness of publications can not be analyzed.
  4. We still want to save you from having to publish reports to make it convenient for you.

In this regard, we are introducing an updated system for counting the stakes, based on the total evaluation of your work for the week. According to this system, we begin to count:

  1. The overall quality of the original tweets and comments. If the spam and flood is from 25% to 50% of the total number of tweets, the participant loses 50% of the stakes. With a larger number, he loses everything.
  2. Retweets without special conditions.


  • Make your own tweets about Ties.Network.
  • Comment on tweets made by Ties.Network official twitter
  • Retweet the tweets made by Ties.Network official twitter


  • We use Twitter search to read the tweets — you do not have to send the reports.
  • Your Twitter account should have at least 1000 real followers.
  • Make your personal tweets, comment our tweets and retweet our tweets with comment.
  • Hashtag tiesnetwork and a link to our twitter tiesnetwork will help us to find your retweets by the comment.
  • Tweets and comments must be in English.
  • Use your own ETH address to get the bounty tokens. NEVER use your cryptoexchange Ethereum wallet. You will not have access to your tokens if you use cryptoexchange wallet address!

How to join

  • Follow our tiesnetwork Twitter.
  • Check the terms and rules. Make sure your Twitter account meets the requirements.
  • Follow the JOIN link and CAREFULLY fill out the signup form. We will not be able to accept your data or transfer the tokens if you enter incorrect data.

Stakes counting:

  • Week of participation with small activity (up to 2 personal tweets and comments with a hashtag for a week): 1 stake.
  • Week of participation with average activity (tweets and comments in more): 2 stakes.
  • Week of participation with high activity (daily tweets and comments with meaningful texts): 3 stakes.
  • Week of active retweeting on the page (without comment): 0.5 stake.
  • From 25% to 50% of meaningless tweets and comments: -50% of stakes.
  • More than 50% of flood: deprivation of all stakes.

Check your tweets and comments again and evaluate their quality. Delete messages that are not relevant to the project. It's better to get less stakes than lose everything!

Prepare for a TGE stage, as long as the spreadsheet data changes according to the updates.

Our TGE will start on September 21!

Do not miss the opportunity to participate and get more stakes! Conditions for obtaining stakes:

  1. The theme of your tweets should be TGE. Invite people!
  2. We will provide a link to the TGE page for insertion into tweets.
  3. Use the hashtags tiesnetwork, TGE, and a link to our twitter tiesnetwork.
  4. Do retweets.

During the TGE, the stakes of the participants are counted with the coefficient x2.


SEND REPORT | Check available stakes

The campaign is prolonged until the end of the TGE or the full expenditure of the budget.


  • Write a text about Ties.Network and publish it in your blog.


  • You can publish several posts. Send the reports separately.
  • The cost of stake: 240 TIE tokens / 1 stake. The cost of stake is fixed.
  • Before writing your post check the number of posts reviewed and the currently available stakes in "Posts and stakes" sheet
  • Your post must be original and qualitative. You can lose your stakes if you made a lot of mistakes in the text.
  • The post with copy-past from our website, whitepaper and other sources will be not accepted - you must rewrite without direct quotes from our sources.
  • The text must be at least 500 words in length.
  • You will get 1 bonus stake for each 500 followers of your blog.
  • It must have a link to our website.
  • The text must be posted during the bounty campaign.
  • Use your own ETH address to get the bounty tokens. NEVER use your cryptoexchange Ethereum wallet. You will not have access to your tokens if you use cryptoexchange wallet address!

Stakes counting

  • Post 500-999 words in length: 2 stakes.
  • Post 1000-1499 words length: 4 stakes.
  • Post 1499+ words length: 6 stakes
  • Fine: depends on quality.
  • Bonus: 1 stake / 500 followers.

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Interesting post - thanks @afansya .