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RE: Does PayPal have a challenger?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the awareness . Ok guys, so the thing is... how decentralised? just how many nodes? is this a global currency to compare with robust, secure 'daddies' Bitcoin/Bitcoin cash ?? How fast is Bitcash?

Ok, so it's got some newer features like nice names, aimed at adoption. 'Safe Privacy' feature with a master-key? Hmmm.... ok... but dont let the key fall into the wrong hands!

However, it might have a small chance. The mining incentive is there, (scant details) Proof-of-Work ? ...and of course the partnership section is largely 'coming soon'..if ever... If businesses won't touch BCH, why bitcash? Good luck!

BTW: Competing with Paypal? Yes, but Paypal is a completely different, centralised technology!
Just invest in Ripple (the company) instead.


Fake news. I know because you upvoted your own comment. Shame on you. Nay sayers? Today is Rosh Hoshana how about being a bit more positive. Silly person.

Just looking at the facts, i'm afraid. These days I start sceptical on every crypto project post and then work up from there. btw, i upvote most of my own comments! might as well use the influence you earn!

Sorry for being nasty tempered. Just was in a bad mood. Sorry for the displaced anger.