Easy Bitcoin Mining with Honeyminer

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


Just stumbled upon this awesome new site! If you've ever wanted to get into mining crypto without buying into cloud mining and worrying about all the technical coding to mine on your own, this is the best solution I have found! Completely free, and earns about $1 - $3 per day on newer computers. Sign up here : https://honeyminer.com/referred/58us9

I have been running it for the last 24 hours flawlessly, shows up as a virus but It is just the .exe file. A lot of the big crypto guys are supporting it. It also has a referral program and perfect to get started in the bear market we have been enduring.


Is it still profitable?

Thanks for shearing . Do you think this is better then NiceHash , WorldMining and MinnerGate??

we all love you bro..keep it up👍👍

Yes, At least from my experience… It's the easiest And the team seems legit

ok Thanks

Thank you @abrockman, do you think this is better than nice hash?

Personally, yes. Very easy and user-friendly

I'll have to compare it to NiceHash. It's always good to have a couple different mining options as long as they are legitimate. That's the problem right now... People are afraid to promote opportunities just in case something goes drastically wrong. No one wants to get pinned if things go south. Thank you for sharing despite that! I'm always looking for good options.

Is this real?.. seems fishy

So far so good, no issues

I personally won't do it for $.50 a day. Especially since new GPUs will be hitting the market soon, the time investment will only be there for a few more weeks(rumored release in July 2018 source) You would probably only be able to get $15 or so before difficulty massively increases.

Nice one. Thanks for the info.
I will check out the sight.

Bitcoin mining programming screens this info and yield of your digger while likewise showing insights, for example, the speed of your mineworker, hashrate, fan speed and the temperature.The cloud mining administration offers a crisp contrasting option to conventional methods for digital money mining.

there's another site called btcspinner.io , you get paid just to spin wheelcom.bitcoin.kazanmak_5.png

Yay, a whole $.10 at max speed for 24 hours straight.

@abrockman how much can we mine per day?

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