How to Buy Veritaseum from Etherdelta


Hope you got into Veritaseum when I suggested During the ICO time . If yes then your Money has grown by 25+ time by Now

If not its still not late . You can enter now. Veritaseum is still not yet available on any exchange. So you need to buy it from EtherDelta.

Url for EtherDelta

Please note to BUY Veritaseum you must have one account outside any exchange. I will recommend you to open one with MyEtherwallet

Please refer below article

How to create MyEtherWallet

Once you have the account follow the below steps

Step I



Then " Select an Account "

Here you need to Import your Public & Private key from the myEtherwallet account



Add your Public & Private key and then Import.png

So you will see your account details like


Once you get account you will see the datails of your account in BALANCE

Then you need to deposit ETH inside your Etherdelta account. Deposit 0.002 ETH more than the amount for how much you want to buy ETH/VERI. Its needed for GAS


One you deposit you will see that in your deposit section


In my example Above I have deposit 1.010 ETH

Step II

Next step is to see what is on Sale , so that we can buy. Check the ORDER BOOK Things showing on RED are sale order . We need to buy from them.


Click on the lowest sale order.. One in RED colour


Enter the amount of ETH for which you want to buy. Then click on BUY


In this case I am buying for 1 ETH and getting 3.077 VERI

You will get the Alert for the transaction . If you click on that link it will open a new page showing the transaction details. Wait for the transaction to commit . Its taking Time because of the load on ETH network


In the MY TRANSACTIONS you will get the status pending . Wait till its confirm .


Step III

Once the transaction confirmed you will get your VERI in the BALANCE section


Finally I got my VERI :-)

My Purchase over ..

Step 4

Need to WithDraw the VERI and remaining ETH from ether delta to myEtherWallet .

Click on the WithDraw tab in the BALANCE section


Enter the amount of VERI that you want to withdraw . In this case I get 3.077 . I am taking out all


It will create a new transaction . You will get Alert like


Wait for the transaction to complete. Once done you will find your VERI in your MyEtherWallet


All Done :-)
Similarly Withdraw your ETH also .


Must important one. Make sure to clear your account information from EtherDelta.

Go to your Account and remove it from Ether Delta by clicking Forget account


All Done.

Hope it will help you get your Veritas. Please give your comment and feedback how it helps or incase you get any difficulty I wil fix it .

All the Best !!!


Good write-up, thanks! :)

Very precise and very well described. I actually bought some VERI for the first time ever, following the step by step instructions here. I first tried 5 YouTube similar instructions, but they did not work at all, Thank you and BRAVO!

Nice article. How do we know when it is safe to give our private key? Thanks!

Great job, nice steps with detailed explanation. Much needed for a new comer like me. Thanks.

"Nice job!"

The best way to learn in life is by practicing.
And an even better one is by practicing and documenting - like U did, because you're much more aware of the ongoing process and by sharing your gained knowledge to the steemit community you also might get an upvote!

...which you deserved in this special case!


Hi my freind. plz follow me :)

Can I just send Ethereum to the Ethereum Address that is created inside of EtherDelta when I selected "New Account"?

Thank you! I was able to buy some Varitaseum. So grateful to those who can help. Saved me a lot of time.

Many thanks for this. I wanted to buy some VERIS but thought the process has too many steps. I did manage to set up my Ether Walllet but stopped there. Thanks for posting - will try again using your steps. I did no get in the ICO and was still doubting whether I should buy 2 days ago. Will now do so - Better late than never. :)

Its not yet late.. Buy it .. VERI has not yet in any exchange and its price has gone up 25 times..