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I already thought about setting this up.
Could you provide information about how long the 'free trial' will run with this setup and how much grc you are earning with your chosen project?
I'm currently making a little comparison of different providers cloud offers in respect of GRC farming.
I've got Google, IBM, Amazon and Microsoft, they are running for nearly a week now. I will give it some more time (few days up to a week) and will publish the results on Steemit.
The instance I set yesterday for the sake of taking screenshots for the tutorial at this moment (less than 24h later) has 0.2 daily GRC. This is on new account with no MAG. - see bottom of my comment
It's safe to assume it will be 0.4 tomorrow or more.
THIS RESULT IS EXPECTED TO BE SOMEWHAT REPEATABLE (results depend on particular projects' participants and progress, but in such large projects like NFS@home it shouldn't really shift that quickly)
The important thing is that you don't need to worry once you've set it running it will keep going until you run out of free credits then shut down leaving you with all the coins it earned for you. :)
With the price efficency - with 8 cores, Skylake and 16gb ram it should run over a month for free credit, however if you make small adjustments, select slightly lower tier and 4 cores, you can go half-year free. I chose this setup because I was mainly aiming at new-comers and wanted to give them quick visible results to spark some excitement and interest.
As you are setting up the instance on the right hand side you can see hourly full-power rate and approximate monthly rate. You start off with 300-(instance_setup_price) so you can plan this accordingly.
It's not meant to make you money soon, but it is a FREE of charge investment portfolio for which you could possibly buy a car or holiday in few years.
Just remember the login details.

Are you a fool? Cryptomining is strictly forbidden from google cloud trials.
Have you got no manners?I'm not mining. I'm supporting research with BOINC, this software is used in Unis around the world for calculations. I'm doing exactly the same. Gridcoin is barely a token on top of research, which appeared recently, while BOINC is many years old. Mining is about securing transactions and verifying block-chains. This has nothing to do with that, this is a research support program that rewards smart users. Feel free to report me, I'll post all the communication with google here for the sake of people trying the guide.
I'd be careful with that statement. You clearly intend to get rewarded GRC for the boincing. Though many have done it before, I don't think that is what Google has in mind for the service.
The service is meant to be used for similar purposes (like BOINC, not mining). What's the point of having cloud computing if you're restricted in such silly ways.
I said silly because BOINC is a scientific research program, independent of Gridcoin. Gridcoin's relation to BOINC is that TeamGridcoin is merely one of many Boinc Groups in General Pool.
On top of that, they provide rewards for participants of their group, but it doesn't in any way affect how BOINC operates, therefore there is no use of the VM intended to work directly with any block-chain structure, mining or upkeep of the network... In no way this can be precisely called mining or minting. It's like saying it's not cool to run research software on your VM, because you can make profit from the results... Even thought it's aimed at Businesses.
Again, you are foolish to be posting this guide. You explicitly outline how to install and run the gridcoin wallet, which is a cryptomining application. It doesn't matter the relation to BOINC and research. At the end of the day, it's cryptomining, and that is how google or any other cloud computing service is going to see it.
It has nothing to do with manners, and all to do with how you are instructing people to use a service that clearly states in its documentation that what you are instructing people to do is against their terms of service.
Should have read the fine print before you went through all this work, and don't lash out at me because of your ignorance.
This is your rude opinion nothing more. All it does is proves your lack of technical knowledge. Show me in which step we install the gridcoin wallet and tell me in which way just having a gridcoin wallet can be interpreted as mining. I think most of you (who post those comments) read only the title and think you know everything - that's ignorance. But I explicitly clarify everything in the body of the guide.