The big 3 cryptocurrencies for 2018

  1. Bitcoin /BTC/ - Regardless of it's price went down the last two weeks, Bitcoin is the King of cryptocurrencies. Even though it's a first generation crypto, It has proven that the public consensus of it's value is strong. Bitcoin really is the gold of this market - because it is becoming more and more store-of-value-oriented. You can't go to your local shop, take out a golden bar and cut from it to pay for 0.5 kg of cheese. This isn't a bad thing. It's decentralization, mining, resistance to manipulations and the solidity of it's frame /proven with it's battle with numerous threats in 2016-2017/ makes it something people believe will be there the next two years at least. Adding the fact that the crypto hype will grow in 2018 and more and more altcoins will fight for the spot light in the digital world, Bitcoin will be the "carrying rocket" of all of them - because the exchanges are hugely accepting it.
  2. Ripple /XRP/- the price of it has skyrocketed the last two days. Why? Because it greatly fills the market niche of fast transactions - the thing that bitcoin is getting away from. Having few Asian banks and Alibaba's support is making it number two in market cap today. We can say that Ripple has won the battle of who to be the king of "value of exchange" with bcash, litecoin, iota, etc. So if you go to the local shop and want to buy cheese - you can easily hand there your money and coins. It's easy and fast. You have your gold bars in bitcoin if you want to store value somewhere.
  3. Cardano /ADA/ - For everything other that is crypto. Smart contracts in healthcare, business, management, government, etc. there is the Japanese ethereum - Cardano. New technologies are being implemented with the support of the scientific community. Cardano has the flexibility which will be needed in the future - If we have already established winners in the cryptoworld like Bitcoin and Ripple. There is a market need of something that isn't centered only on the money side of blockchain. This is where ADA comes - With the team who stays behind it - the former ethereum CEO and the scientific community it is the king of the 3rd generation cryptocurrencies who can hopefully help with the connection with the real world.

This is my first article ever - thank you for your attention and sry for bed inglish :)
Feel free to correct me.
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