in #cryptocurency6 years ago

Greentoken is a propelled venture for preparing unsorted strong residential, mechanical and restorative waste. The venture intends to fabricate a rubbish preparing complex utilizing an imaginative German technology — a pyrolysis reactor. Junk consumes inside the vacuum chamber at a temperature of 3000 degrees Celsius, which permits to totally shield the outside condition from cooperation with burning items. Amid the task of the reactor, an amalgamation gas is acquired, used to create power and warmth, and coke is unadulterated carbon used to deliver froth glass. Foamglass is a widespread building material with such alluring characteristics as toughness, water obstruction and warmth opposition.

Sullying of nature is a standout amongst the most significant issues going up against the present reality. The huge proportion of waste conveyed each year speaks to a certifiable hazard to the quality of our planet. As the amount of plastics, jugs, and other waste augmentations in the ocean, various pieces are about annihilation. 

Specialists say it's not secured to keep litter on the planet longer, so it's indispensable to make sense of how to deal with the issue. Each individual can have any sort of impact and by joining our undertakings, we can stop the risky effects of defilement. For example, anyone can manage an alternate waste social occasion, with basic financial and common favorable circumstances. 

Gigantic associations around the world are handling the issue by placing assets into misuse reusing. The most convincing business visionaries, entertainers and great precedents spread natural care and raise enormous resources for green endeavors and activities. 

The organization is in like manner supporting the reason by offering advantages for earth genial exercises. To help the earth in the country, the Government of Kazstan will revive the law and the ecological code particularly. The experts expect to exhibit a methodology that will allow money related masters wishing to appreciate normally heartfelt dares to place assets into green securities. Though various researchers and associations are starting at now tackling their answers, Greentoken is apparently a champion among the most reassuring endeavors in the green business. The dispatch intends to develop a profitable and powerful waste reusing plant in Kazakhstan, prepared for reusing common, solid, mechanical or therapeutic waste without beginning request. The waste will be reused to a pyrolysis reactor at first used to make association gas, a mix of carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the business. Mix gas is a wellspring of methanol, hydrogen and distinctive manufactured mixes. It is used to deliver warmth and power through gas turbine generators and barrel gas generators. Likewise, it is used to convey foam glass, a naturally agreeable material used for the assurance of private structures and present day endeavors. Due to the humble number of foam glass creators, there is a strong enthusiasm for this material. Reusing won't be displayed to oxygen at temperatures up to 1300 ° C. Warm essentialness made from designed gas will offer imperativeness to the 20-hectare mechanical nursery, conveying up to 12 000 metric tons. cucumber, tomato and diverse vegetables. It should be seen that the enthusiasm for these things in the capital of Kazakhstan means 120 000 tons for consistently, which suggests that the new nursery will address 10% of the market. 

Token data 

Code name: Greentoken 

Notice token: GTN 

Figured: 500 000 GTN 

Pre-ICO value: beginning at $ 0.07 

Circulate the token 

65% - ICO 

Groups - 19% 

1% - Baunts 

10% - Pre-ICO 

5% - Private pre-deal


Undertaking guide 

Q2 2017 - The thought and the start of the making of an undertaking group 

Q3 2017 - Development of ideas and white paper ventures 

Q1 2018 - Launch of the primary period of Greentoken's Private Sale venture 

Q2 2018 - Developing Offers and Launching Smart Websites 

Q3 2018 - Launch of a two-organize venture of Greentoken's Pre-ICO venture 

Q3 2018 - Construction and readiness of foundations for mining tasks 

Q4 2018 - Launch in three stages "ICO" 

Q1 2019 - Farm Operations and Start Paying Dividends 

Q3 2019 - Connect to free power from the manufacturing plant


 Askhat Kassymov - Director General, Project Monitoring
Paul Biller - Partner and co-author of the project, technology vendor
Gustavo Vega - Project Management Manager
Tony Ayzenberg - PMP Project Manager, IPMA
Ruslan Ibrayev - Investor, Analyst
Yerzhan Janabekov - Chief Engineer - Assistant Project Supervisor 


 Website: thread: 

published by Solomon3158 
