DAOstack blockchain networking a sophisticated network of human beings.

in #crypto6 years ago

World Is Changing Rapidly. In 21st Century, Everything Is Change From Last Century. And Someone Who Took Benefits From These Changes, Become Successful.
One of The Major Revolution Came In 21st Century Is Blockchain. This Is Century Of Cryptocurrency/Electronic Money. Here Decentralize Cryptocurrency Is Popular And Favorite Among People.
With Thanks To @originalworks. I Am Participating In Writing Contest. Defining DAOstack.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO) change the very essence of what it means to work. How humanity achieves goals can transform so effective and favorably that new perceptions about work production develop.

Corporate restructuring gains new meaning. Transformation and effective collaboration will become a future culture developing in the now. The DAOstack blends business initiatives with independent interests. It is a system for fostering the maximum benefits through collective intelligence .

Eyes of the DAOs

Decentralized collaboration empowers the contributors of a project to maximize their time. This is possible because the best eyes for improving efficiency comes from people doing the actual work. Up until DAO, organizational structure needed to be rigid to keep personnel working toward the same goal.


DAO’s decentralized mesh networks introduces smart organization. An elaborate system becomes intuitive through the Alchemy interface. DAO’s dApps, built by developers using the ARC.js API, customize the needs of different contributors. Arc and The ArcHives provide a resource of smart contracts and dApps for shared networking.


Transformative Power

The Alchemy interface provides a door for organizations to move from rigid centralized command structures to greater potential. Rigid organization is narrow-minded compared to the unrestricted flow of ideas of a diversified network.
But how can such a network manage to achieve a common goal? The answer is in innovating a new governance model. This needs to be resilient, efficient, and scalable. Balanced and fair voting rewards people who contribute effectively. Since vote power can be adjusted, it also encourages “best efforts”.

Fully Realized Potential

DAOstack has so much more potential than likely even the developers realize. Humans have collaborated to achieve some truly wonderful things. Infact, one of the Wonders of the World was a Great Wall built by, at the time,
a sophisticated network of human beings.


Collaboration is power. The Empire State Building is a testament to that. Innovation seems boundless through collaboration. Remember how the early Internet used to function. Consider our continued demand for open source platforms.

So if we can effectively collaborate, why is there such an obstacle when the concept of ownership becomes an issue? The answer may be the sin of greed. Part of it can be blamed on humanity’s immaturity in wielding newfound innovation. Throughout history, one’s creation could be seen, touched, and reminded of on a daily basis. In the modern era, one’s contribution has become much more vague. Hence, the power of curation, which is about more than just money. It is also the recognition of one’s peers.

Combine curation, effective collaboration from an independent mindset, and decentralized networks to achieve any conceived human idea with grand outcome.


What Is DAOstack
DAOstack Is A Emerging Platform Which Means Decentralize Autonomous Organization, Powers Decentralize Companies, Funds And Markets. Make Their Bright And Fast Decisions At Scale.

Decentralize Collaboration At Scale
Emerging Blockchain Platform Enables new forms which combine the effeciency and Sacle for free Markets with straight and real start up.
Future Role Of DAOstack] is very clear here. The future of work involves in self organization where cooperation is the progress.

DAOstack] make sure to enable the effectiveness of governance of self-organizing collectives.

It Powered By Ethereum


Blockchain Governance
It is Based On Ethereum smart contract which enables The perfect process of Decisions and makes sure it totally free of Faults.

Programmatic Cooperation
In this step of cooperation, crypto-economic encourage different design, the separate levels empowers Smooth cooperation at the collective Level. That's The Programmatic Cooperation.

Holographic Consensus
Make Sure To Connect The Wishes of Majority for making of Strong and effective Decisions.
It is important and necessary step for the future of DAOstack.

Must Know About Some More Supportive Things Here Step By Step.

Beneficial For The Native Users Interface.
It helps users and keep them to connect with each others For exchange of ideas and opinions. So helpful for users of DAOstack.

It make sure to enable crowd for help and cooperation at any stage and achievements.

An evolutionary framework On Ethereum Blockchain. Arc manage the contents of DAOstack to Make helpful for developers and Users. Enables Stable Governance element. Its Library works to prepare DAOstack Grow. DAO's governance structure can easily be upgraded to use more schemes. Simply, each DAO created and upgraded through ARC.

For those Developers who doesn't knows enough about Blockchain. This is a helpful and easy API Layer. Helping them to make Collaborative Applications.

This Is used by DApps. DAOstack shares data to increase The the Network's effect with DApps. And It is saved in Arc.Hives.

DAOstack on GEN

GEN are actually Token of DAOstack. Besic operations across the ecosystem like Promoting proposal, will need GEN token.

Token Contract





Thanks to @OriginalWorks for hosting this contest sponsored by DAO.



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