I’d like to share my story about how I got here and why I’m here in the first place.

in #crypto7 days ago


My story begins about a year ago when I realized that my job no longer suited me due to high stress and nerves, as well as the long hours spent at work.

One day, I came across some articles on the internet about games where you could earn a little money. At that time, it was the #Notcoin game in Telegram. Many in the crypto community have probably heard about this game. When I got into this topic, I started exploring other opportunities in cryptocurrency. After #Notcoin became, in my opinion, a success, I began reading about #NFTs. I won’t explain what they are here in a crypto social network, but I will say that I have loved drawing since childhood, although it was more of a hobby.

As a result, my wife and I started developing an #NFT collection on the #TON blockchain because I saw potential in it. Surprisingly, the collection even sold at first, but the success was short-lived, and soon after, it became more like a ghost.

Then, there was an idea to expand the collection to the more popular #Ethereum blockchain, but in the end, it remained just a mint since I didn’t have the money to create such a large project, and my knowledge was also lacking. The idea faded, and I simply continued reading about crypto, trying to play #GameFi, and investing some money into buying crypto. At that time, #Bitcoin halving also occurred, but the price didn’t rise significantly.

A long search for what to do in crypto put this sphere on pause, and I moved on to searching for ways to make money online. Most methods required some investment, and starting a physical business wasn’t an option due to a lack of finances and time, as my job funded my entire life, and without it, I wouldn’t even be able to afford food.

At one point, I bought a camera to try earning money from photography. I thought about becoming an event photographer, but fear of ruining someone’s important moment pushed me away from this idea. On top of that, the camera had only 6 megapixels, and the photos weren’t sharp or beautiful enough. I took photos of my wife and friends, captured vacation moments, which gave me a small portfolio and experience in handling a camera.

Then, I decided to try stock photography, passed the photography exam, and started uploading my work. In the end, I realized that stock platforms have a different audience, and out of my 200 photos, only 10 were suitable. That was too small a number to generate any income, and the theme of my photos wasn’t popular enough. I tried exploring other photography themes but soon discovered that my camera had been damaged, likely due to water exposure during vacation. My attempts failed, and since I didn’t have the money for a new camera, I continued searching for a niche to break into.

I also attempted to create my own website, but that didn’t succeed either, mainly because I’m quite lazy. That’s probably the main reason why nothing seems to work out for me, combined with mental burnout from work.

What can I say about the past few months? I’m still looking for a direction. I borrowed a better-quality camera from friends and am trying to return to stock photography to generate at least some additional income.

I randomly stumbled upon this social network and saw that I could earn a little here. So, I will try to share my journey, my beginnings, and talk about what worked for me and what didn’t. Maybe someone will find it interesting or get an idea from where I failed and try it themselves.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Wishing everyone success in their endeavors or growth in their field!
