BitMEX Exchange Sets Up Office in World's Most Expensive Offices

in #crypto7 years ago


Bitcoin's price may be struggling to find support over $6,500 at the moment, but that doesn't mean all crypto-related businesses are taking a hit. It has been reported by Hong Kong Economic Times that cryptocurrency exchange BitMEX has just set up their headquarters in one of the most expensive collection of offices in the world.

BitMEX has now joined the likes of Goldman Sachs, Barclays, Bank of America, Bloomberg, plus a dozen other Chinese billionaire's companies at the Cheung Kong Center. The exchange led by former Citigroup trader, Arthur Hayes, has upgraded to the 45th floor of the Cheung Kong Center from their previous offices in the warehouse district of Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong.

Hong Kong's real estate market and property prices have been going through a boom with the country's recent economic success. All though the exact amount BitMEX is paying in rent to reside in the same building as other Fortune 500 companies isn't stated, it's said the Cheung Kong Center charges about $225/sq ft, and the floor BitMEX rented is about 20,000 sq ft.

BitMEX have also announced they have recently set up a lightning network node. Deposits and withdrawals using the LN features aren't quite ready yet, but working with lightning mode will ensure faster and cheaper transactions in the future. Read more about BitMEX and Lightning nodes at BitMEX's blog.

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