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in #crypto7 years ago
  1. Dash is centrally controlled. This is a fact.
    Dash used to be one of my favorite parts of the internet, since discovering Bitcoin. I spent weeks upon weeks reading up on Dash, after years of learning about Bitcoin and it's faults, Dash (Drk) at the time seemed like a logical next step forward, so I dove head first into Dash for a little over a year and spent a majority of my time working alongside the community to dream up cool projects, spread the word about Dash and so on, once I started asking the hard questions about the core team being accountable, the slander slowly began to build. Before you knew it, I was known as the town troll for "asking too many questions" and was sidelined as much as possible, simply for being critical of the teams decisions and asking them to act in the best interests of Dash, they did not. They are making loads of cash while controlling the "governance system" with large amounts of Masternodes and upvoting their own backdoor deals with companies that are friends of friends and so on . Any sort of critical thinking is not welcome in the Dash ecosystem and you will be sidelined due to it. So be careful. They are acting in their own interests, not in the interest of cryptocurrency. Hence the echo chamber being so powerful.

  2. Dash is under researched, overhyped. It's all marketing.
    InstandSend is the ONLY good thing Dash has going for it (and its completely wasted), governance is completely and purposely flawed as to enable control for the core team of no only the funds, but the mechanisms that drive the governance system too. You'd be surprised to find out most of the important things sucks as forking and what not are handled by Evan and Evan only, there is no consensus mechanism to force anyone in core to do anything, thus they do as they please and remain largely unchecked in doing so.

Darksend is a gimmick, sure maybe it can't be cracked super easily, but the use of it is a complete joke, not to mention Dash recently teamed up with Coinfirm to track all Dash purchases in the network, sound a little backwards to you? It did to me to. They also have lawyered up using blockchain taxed funds, spent quite a pretty penny (hundreds of thousands) on their own little side projects such as Lamassu ATM integration which still has yet to come to fruition and so on. The point being, Dash is nothing but a big echo chamber, be careful believing anything that comes from that community, they lure you in with false hopes of a better world of crypto currency just to break your heart when you find out they really just want to start their own crypto bankster project for their own selfish needs, that is not what I signed up for.

The Dash I understood when I started reading the docs and listening to Evans videos was a new form of "digital cash" for the people, controlled by the people. The Dash I found was just another wanna be get rich quick scheme covered in all the right hopes and promises. Be weary folks, a REAL digital cash will arrive one day, it might be called Bitcoin, it might be #Monero, hell it might even be #Litecoin if they go privacy first, but one thing I do know is it will not be Dash, until the entire core team is gone and the community controls Dash.

  1. The Dash community is disingenuous. The "governance system' is flawed. The Core team controls majority of Masternodes.
    Everyone in the Dash community who is left minus a few brave and stubborn souls (achem Camosoul, GrandMaster & Solarminer) is part of the problem, they are all lazy crypto currency supporters who are just here to make a quick buck, the idea of changing the financial landscape forever has been lost to them. When I started with Bitcoin in 2011, the only thing I could ever think was how revolutionary Bitcoin really was and what good it could bring to our planet. Little did I know it was an unfinished product, Dash seemed to fill the gap temporarily, but after spending almost a year devoted to Dash, I quickly learned it was all a sham and some good marketing points. The governance system being the best part of Dash, until you realize Evan owns 400+ Masternodes, Daniel easily owns 200+, Otoh owns 400+, and so on... Well when you only have 3-4k nodes in the entire community and things only need 10% nodes to vote to pass, and the whales started out with Masternodes costing 1% of what they cost now, you can see how the community can quickly end up in the control of 'bad whales'.

Point being, the governance system is a joke, its as much of a governance system as a bankster scam aimed at making you feel like you are winning, while they are winning 1,000 more than you. How are those crumbs tasting fellas?

  1. Darkcoin was a far superior coin to Dash, yet here we are. Why you ask?
    Darkcoin was the basis for what Dash became, but Darkcoin was also MUCH more ahead of its time, back then Evan wasn't coding for revenue, he was coding to create an idea, that idea was a sort of 'digital cash' based on Bitcoin. Within a year or 2 his vision slowly changed into creating "Paypal 2.0" (and yes thats a quote rom him and multiple core team members, not my words). And that is where I call BS, they say anything they can to get some coverage and don't give a single damn about delivering the proper product. The Dash team will NEVER deliver a true digital cash, because that is not their end goal. Darkcoin was on the right track, but Dash is a completely different direction, hell Dash is actively running away from privacy as it is anyways... look at coinfirm...

  2. Evan Duffield lacks a spine and a moral compass to do the right thing with Dash. Ryan "Babygiraffe" Taylor & Daniel Diaz are wanna-be failed banksters with a selfish end game that influence Evan heavily.
    As I stated already Evan Duffield was on the right track with Darkcoin back in the day, but slowly over time he seemed to have morphed his vision of what digital cash should be from being an open sourced, community controlled, instant, private digital asset toooooo controlling your money, controlling the governance mechanism to ring as much money out of the project before it collapses on itself, getting their own office space paid for by the blockchain, paying themselves large sums of money and so on... doesn't seem right when there are villages all around the world dying for access to a worldwide economy now does it?

Ryan Taylor is an ex bankster with a selfish end game. This guy came around to Dash shortly after myself, was cool at first while he worked his way into the core team, but once things became a little more heated he quickly buckled down onto his knees and stopping trying to fight for the idea of a better Dash and became a leach himself. They hired him for help with finance, and ever since he's been the biggest figure in the Dash community besides Amanda in the public realm, you wonder why don't you? He's in it for himself, not for Dash, not for crypto currencies. He just wants his former bankster glory back.

Daniel Diaz is a complete half assed wanna sneaky snake like scammer. He's been around Evan since the beginning and he's the one that I attribute to ruining Evan's moral compass. He's the one who envisioned this crappy "paypal 2.0" idea and tried shoving it down the communities throat with deceit, lies and made up stories. He's the one who put his neck out there and said "WERE GETTING ON LAMASSU ATM'S!!" almost a year ago, and $100,000 later and countless excuses, there are still 0 Lamassu ATM's in the world... He's the reason the "governance" in Dahs is broken, because he has poisoned the well and turned Dash into a leeches paradise.

  1. It's either 1 huge scheme or they really lack a higher purpose.
    I could never really figure out which one it was, but after a few months of reflecting back on this I feel like it was a mix of both. People like Daniel and Ryan are scheming/leeching while people like Udjin (the best dev easily) and Evan are simply following the herd. I feel as if Dash was capable of being 1000x the product it is today if they would have embraced more decentralization, more worldwide change and more of a community focused mindset, then Dash could become the first truly decentralized economy, basically a skynet if you will. But the core team doesn't see it that way, they just see a big ol piggy bank when they see Dash, it's quite sad honestly. Hopefully someone clones the entire damn project and does it the right way, that'd be the best altcoin IMO. Either way, still not really sure whether it's one huge team scam or they just don't see the greater good they could be doing, or maybe they don't care? Who knows. All I know is echo chambers never did a lick of good in the past and they damn sure won't start now.

  2. The Dash core team is power hungry. The Dash community is blind.
    As has been touched on earlier in this post, the Dash team has lost it's way. Dash could have been a world wide economy, the governance system could be used to employ ANYONE in the world, and yet they are sitting here hiring random companies that thier friends just happen to run to do stupid things like try and get ATM's set up everywhere, which is so backwards it makes no sense. Dash has InstandSend, people have smart phones. What the hell are they doing dropping $100,000+ dollars on ATM's you ask? Kickbacks I say, kickbacks. And the sad part of this is when you start pointing these types of things out to people in the community, the core team starts pinning you as a troll and what not just to run you off. This has happened countless times since the times of Darkcoin and I hope people will chime in and help people realize this isn't just a big old ranting post.

  3. Dash COULD have been so much better, but greed killed it before it even got started.
    Bitcoin was mean't to change the world, but has fallen short thus far. Dash came sooo close to filling the gap, but human greed seemed to have ruined any cryptopunk or libertarian ideology. People in charge of Dash think libertarians are stupid and childish (another quote), and that just never made sense to me.. Bitcoin was supposed to a libertarians dream come true, so when did this goal change? I'm still here waiting for the world to change, but in order to get there we'd have to have a fully decentralized or atleast distributed system that is fair for everyone, and provides everyone the same access to community funds in order to start creating a more economic model of crypto currency that can perform a proper digital asset with all the appropriate features such as speed, privacy, control and worldwide scalability. So far all the coins are falling short in one way or another and one day I think someone will hit the nail on the head and we'll either see that tech baked into Bitcoin, or some random coin take off overnight... not sure which yet. The main flaw of the Dash project seems to be greed, and lack of a moral compass.

  4. Dash is basically a huge echo chamber supporting its own weight due to the Masternode system, it's nowhere close to being "digital cash' as it's marketed.
    The biggest problem I found in this community and the same one that is true of most pyramid schemes is there is a massive echo chamber effect, everyone who sings the praises of Dash is a wonderful community member and is always talked to with respect and what not, but the second you start questioning things and making people feel as if they are being held to a standard, people will quickly turn around and happily tell you to leave because thinking is hard and people don't like things to be hard. I honestly think the people that are going to lose the most money when the core team decides to dump is going to be those exact users, which is sort of sad when you think about it. Sounds alot like a pyramid scheme to me, anyone? Lol oh and they even added a rating system which auto censors posts that get 4+ troll ratings, which they use VERYYYYY often to hide the complaints about them to the general public.

  5. Dash is NOT Digital Cash, Dash is wanna be PayPal 2020, does any actually like PayPal? Thought so.
    I've had repeated conversations with the core team in the past and various community members who blindly support them and I've asked them which they would prefer, digital cash or Paypal 2.0, and to my surprise the only ones who actually support the whole Paypal idea are the people in charge (core team) and their blind followers, because who wouldn't want to be the next billion dollar company? I mean I get it, but what happened to changing the world and doing it the right way?

Besides we all know PayPal is going to crush Dash in the long run, they are a billion dollar company getting put in a corner, I wouldn't be surprised if they already had eyes on Bitcoin & Dash and the recent acquisition of TIO which will give them access too hundreds of thousands of kiosks world wide, so much for that Lamassu Deal eh Daniel?

Good luck with your investments, always keep your eyes wide open, you never know when the floor is going to fall out from beneath you. And yes this is all true, and no I'm not trolling, just thought with all this Dash hype we could have a dose of reality.
Best wishes folks.


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