in #crypto8 years ago (edited)


Pull the Handle, Spin the Wheel, Roll the Dice, Let it Ride.....


Is the Future of Humanity Doomed.. or Destined to become a Conglomerate of Hopefuls and Seekers looking to get a chance to play the Crypto Slot Machine? Will there be a day when Everybody .. (Gamers, YouTubers, Retirees, Professionals, Bloggers and on and on) wakes up to check their Crypto to decide what to exchange or convert because the Whole list of Thousands of Cryptos being Traded are Constantly evolving and changing in Value?


Will there be Baskets of Crypto Exchanged.. like SDR's? Will there be Crypto for the amount of Miles you Walk or Words you type? Maybe there'll be Crypto for Doing Good or Evil... that's a scary thought! I mean... almost anything you think of could be CRYPTONIZED!


We could Cryptonize Prisons. If you build enough Good Credits with Prison Crypto, you could get an early Release. Add some body tech with Wearable or Implanted Chips and it could all be Monitored through the Artificial Intelligence MainFrame. Sound Tantalizing?


The possibilities are Endless, but are they Pragmatic?


Do we need to Plan for this or just Ride the Tsunamic Wave created by the Crypto Earthquake that has just started Shaking the Planet? What will the World look like?

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Maybe even more Importantly is... How will we Position Ourselves in front of this Behemoth to Win the Game and Crypto Out?



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