OnePageX : Exchange of Cryptocurrencies
The simple process during the exchange of cryptocurrencies represents a very important key for the cryptographer, the user wants to satisfy their needs in less time, variety in types of coins, insurance. And saving money for the services provided. These are the key elements that a user desires when making exchanges of their cryptocurrencies.
OnePageX, is the exchange of cryptocurrencies with the simplest process and in addition to this has a wide range of cryptocurrency selection, its purpose is to simplify the processes of commerce and conversion of cryptocurrencies.
OnePageX Without registration.
OnePageX, does not have record, each time the user makes a transaction, their URL will be added to a session. Easily copy and paste the link to return to it. The generated addresses can be used indefinitely and important details can be returned to view the status of your transactions.
OnePageX, works by integrating with exchanges and finding the best prices for any given cryptocurrencies. and users are not limited to a few selected cryptocurrencies. As of now, there are more than 140 cryptocurrencies available.
Status indicators of each transaction
Transaction cards indicate the status of each transaction. This gives the user an accurate idea regarding the status of their transaction.

OnePageX Widget and Integration
OnePageX has a widget that websites can implement simply by copying and pasting a fragment. This will allow websites to provide their users with the ability to make rapid exchanges of cryptocurrencies
The widget is called OneBox! The OneBox works just like the OnePageX page, but within the widget.
Case of use
Jon professional works in the pharmaceutical industry, maintains a large and varied clientele worldwide, his profession requires him to travel a lot and he quotes a lot of products, he carries out transactions on a daily basis and uses cryptocurrencies as a commercial medium. He needs a cryptocurrency exchange that is simple in the process.
Jon, knows about OnePageX that allows you to make exchanges in a simple way, without records, you can make transactions in all your favorite currencies or with which he works and all this can be done from a single page, satisfying the needs for him, his suppliers and above all to its customers.
Writing done by @sifontes for the @originalworks contest sponsored by OnePageX.
This post has been submitted for the @OriginalWorks Sponsored Writing Contest!
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