Getting the Older Generation into CryptosteemCreated with Sketch.

in #crypto8 years ago (edited)

It's all very well investing our fiat money into technology that we think will change the world for the better but we also have to actively encourage others to join us.

I think we can all agree that cryptocurrency is quite a youthful movement, as it were. We may not know the age of Satoshi Nakamoto but we can be sure most of us are not near our sunset years just yet. As someone in my 20's, there is a generational rift with technology, or at least the modern uses of it. My mum still doesn't have a smartphone and my dad didn't have cryptocurrency wallet - until today.

After some brief explanation from me, I directed him to the Exodus site and instructed him to download the wallet. He opened up the wallet and I told him where to go to give me his Litecoin receiving address.

"'Receive'? I like the sound of that!"

Screen Shot 2017-08-30 at 22.36.45.png

I sent him over a little bit of my Litecoin to get him interested and gave him some further details on what the blockchain means, how wallets work and some of the current Bitcoin drama - although I'm sure most of it went over his head. It sent within about 2 seconds which I was extremely impressed by. Litecoin is awesome.

So, that being said, get your family and the older generation on board! They need our help if we really want this movement to succeed.

If you want, you can send my 64-year-old dad some Litecoin. I'm sure he'd be very shocked!

My dad's Litecoin address: LLr6QEDWaAZ76J3BEThU3cTG6TjgpS2L12


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Here are some addresses you can send crypto to if you so please:

Bitcoin: 1DXunvxsmHH1ANp5m8GHkR3e7ozbbtBD4R
Neo: APNGC5pdhN9LA5Gn24AvTEDLc6bTa3QST4
Dash: Xpm5F5FbjwrGjY1oyY5F1gdkxe8QvVMY2L
Ethereum: 0xA496E7bcC643338c9716EaBd9Ef71ea828355259
Litecoin: LdRRpqFftAiRsQojxvy7ybJSvZFUMdEP2N



Nice job keep spreading the good

Told him I have currently made 11 cents worth of Steem tokens from posting this and he said "Ooo-err!"

If our parents can't understand and use blockchain tech, then it will never be mass-adopted

The fact I just sent you money from America to England should prove it will be mass-adopted, we just have to give people a reason to switch.

I kind of think Dogecoin is a great way to learn cryptocurrency. I wish people would resurrect it for this purpose. With some small additions to the wallet, Dogecoin could be the perfect crypto for kids (and old people) to get acquainted with the idea of cryptocurrency. And it's worth so little, it doesn't really matter.