Trying to explain to family what blockchain & crypto is all about!

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

Still at my mother's house in Norfolk UK we have been having a seriously great time here but I am a bit lost holding the attention of my family when trying to explain the wonders of crypto/blockchain technology and more importantly why they should care!

Normally I wouldn't try so hard to impress on people the importance of what is happening in the world but with family it is somehow different. I would love dearly if a few of them were to join me on the coming gold rush ahead. Alas I was unable to get anyone excited and for now my good old mother remains my only family member who has invested into crypto on my advice.

She bought into BTC when it was just $900 last year and is very content with her current earnings, but doesn't seem to have the slightest interest in how it all works! Which is fair enough really. She should be out in the sun enjoying her life with all those grandchildren around her :)

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BTC has been looking very upward for the last few days... could we have reached the bottom now???

Oooh wouldn't that be lovely!

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He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

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I think this is fine and where us crypto enthusiasts go wrong - most folk neither know nor care how the internet works (myself included!) and the same is true with the blockchain. I wouldn't even mention blockchain.

Maybe explain as the "next version of the internet" or a "new internet that will get rid of middlemen". This might enthuse and/or fill some with terror for the future of their livelihoods (myself included, again!!! lol)

It's tough hey. I suppose in the end I just need to let go. They are all free to do whatever they want... and they are still welcome to borrow money when I am a zillionaire ;)

Haha, yes..."this time next year, Rodney...!!!"

yes its always difficult to try convince others, they either love the idea or think you (we) are crazy. But I believe this is because they are not as informed about what is going on around them, nor do they want to know. But then, each to their own, we cant help people that dont want to be helped, it has to come from them.

Life is so full of complicated issues already... who would want more??? And it is especially difficult to hold peoples' attention when the market is not going up!

Just spent time at my mom's too and same blank stares. I, like your mom, invested after my son kept telling me I needed too. I'm afraid, I really don't understand the nuts and bolts either, but do LOVE the idea of decentralized (freely shared ideas/knowledge/info and the ways in which crypto supports equality.

Decentralised is the key word in all of this for sure and I did try dropping it in a few times but it seems that even this word needs to come with a little explanation so that people understand the power structure of the world today and how this relates to the right old mess our planet is in!

I suppose they have to first believe that there really is a BIG problem with the governing bodies now and not just think there are a few issues, but for the most part we will be looked after by these.
I'm often surprised teaching high school students at just how strongly they hold to what they've been taught, as if these outside institutions are a direct extension of themselves. There is a protective wall that arises in defense and really it probably will take them researching on their own before perceptions change.

Interesting observation with the students. I can see how much Esteban (3 years) enjoys watching police cars or fire trucks in cartoons saving people and solving the problems... which i suppose is the first step to a feeling that we are being looked after by governing bodies.

Families are always a hard sell...

You're not kidding! Though my mother was an easy sell for some reason. She only invested $100 but was very quick to do this when she saw my excitement. Bless her. I think she was just trying to show me she cared. Which in a few years will be quite a profitable decision for her ;)

If you make things simple then the big consulting firms cannot charge megabucks to impress their dumbass clients.

haha! Classic. How right you are.

I think you should explain this matter more.................

its good start with a coversation to understand this little a little.

I tried, but crypto is quite a long conversation ;)

I haven't read this book yet.

Errr.... what book?

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Thanks as always!

Your welcome @samstonehill!

Ah, I feel bad for not upvoting your last comment ;)

Thanks for doing your great work!

That's not a problem as long as you're doing your best to create beautiful contents. :)