
I am 100% on board the crypto express (toodley-toot-toot) but something I am having trouble wrapping my head around is, while revolutionary - no evolutionary really, what is at the core of a financial system? What makes a system, what breaks a system? Even a good one? I see a lot of blame for corruption, theft, pillage and rape of citizens and their hard earned money on "the government" or "the institution" or this ideal of "the man", but what are all those things but a culmination of people, right? I mean, people started the first stock market, the first bank, they created the Fed, they run the Fed. They write our laws, they pass our laws, they partake in corruption, they exist as flawed humans. Human nature is human nature and I'm not sure it matters which humans are in charge.

I think that this new wave of currency is brilliant. It solves a lot of problems, it is theoretically the safest way to save/store/grow your money, but isn't it a little too idealistic to think that it will be that much better than our current system if people are the ones running it? There is a lot of debate even on Steemit about use and abuse by those with power on here, and it makes me wonder, if we are already seeing that on a smaller level, on just a blog where you can make a lot of money, what happens when crypto really goes viral? When it's what makes the world go round?

I can see the advantages of less taxation from a libertarian point of view, but I am not sure it is going to change people a whole lot. I think it will just bring different types of people to power, not necessarily better ones. (Though arguably the untraceable/untrackable part of crypto makes it enticing enough for me, though who knows how long the government at large will allow that!)

Anywho this is just all speculation in my head. I am kind of a debbie downer of sorts and usually anticipate the worst, so I will admit bias in my opinion of all of this. I want crypto to succeed, I want Steemit to grow. My heart and my time, and one day my wallet will speak volumes of my faith in this new system, though it is hard to see it the way you do, as a renaissance of sorts. Great, thought provoking article though. Thanks!

Excellent comment! Wonderful stimulating discussion.

what is at the core of a financial system? What makes a system, what breaks a system? Even a good one?

While yes, human beings do create the systems - it may also be valuable to look at them as extensions of man's evolutionary development... As in, they are but a product of nature themselves, in a way.

Yes, people blame government, bankers, business magnates, etc - and there may be ridiculous amounts of cognitive bias in such judgements. It's near impossible to comprehend the larger scale of societal evolution and the vast interconnected networks of entities (economic, political, cultural, institutional, etc) and how they're all evolving as a product of this genetic code's simultaneous extract and programming.

It's easy to look back, pick out the faults of these systems, point the finger, and think "they" should have known better. But it's an ignorant stance, completely failing to acknowledge these systems were birthed in a completely different phase of human & societal development - and how they have served us in getting to this point.

Oh man, what a topic...

isn't it a little too idealistic to think that it will be that much better than our current system if people are the ones running it?

Thing is, part of the whole premise of the decentralization movement is the trustless component - removing middleMEN from the equation, increasing automation so as to take human emotion and manipulation out of the picture, level the playing field, etc, etc.

Of course, humans are still the ones programming it all, thus there is still room for the injection of flawed human logic and such. However, we are getting smarter, and the foundational basis for these new systems are largely mathematics and science - unbiased, unsusceptible to human B.S.

Granted, the evolutionary process is one that takes time, no ideal will be reached quickly, and we'll continually be balancing between these two worlds - moving towards one that is just, fairly objective as possible, and highly efficient, while continually evolving intellectually & emotionally, which shall no doubt influence the external projections of technological development.


Quite the thought-provoking questions you posed! lol. :-)

Fuckin hell man!


We gonna change the world... Talk about how our money influences the world. We've got the power to create our own money, in any jurisdiction, we can move to any country, buy up any land... We're leveling the playing field, and in doing so, retaking the misplaced power that had been sucked out of his forceably for so long... With this new found inner power, anything is possible.


yes. this shit has the power to save lives.
I'm seeing it firsthand.

I think people are overemphasizing the lambo memes and assuming that is all we are about, akin to cryptokitties being the entirety of ethereum, or fancy suites and Rolex watches being the entirety of success. Lambo memes are a simple way to express a lot of joy and celebration of abundance, at least for me. It’s much easier to say a lambo meme than to say financial freedom through decentralized distributed deflationary peer to peer block ledger. Cuz yo just cuz we be a all actin stoopis don’t mean we is stoopis

Great post and I just cracked up with the surfing santa. I am a new photographer here on Steemit and hoping it can become the home of my portfolio. Thanks again.

ha ha. :-)

You may also be interested to check out SteepShot and Appics if you haven't yet.

Both are Instagram-type apps hosted on Steem - SteepShot sharing the same rewards pool and linking in with Steemit, while Appics is building on SMTs.

You might wanna setup a separate account for SteepShot, as apparently everything posted there duplicates over to Steemit - which might kinda ruin your blog here with nothing but single photos for each post, versus keeping business-as-usual on your existing Steemit account and dedicating a second just to SteepShot.

I'm not sure on the setup with Appics yet. Though as you're considering further monetizing your portfolio, it'd probably make sense to check both out and see what they have to offer... ;-)

Wow. Thanks for taking the time to reply to a newbie. I have been using SteepShot just with the one steemit address (few steepshot posts then a few blog posts in between). Still unsure if its best to cluster multiple photos in a blog or to spread them out in multiple posts on steepshot. I love the look of Appics; going to keep an eye for when they release the app. Seems they have the initial currency offering tomorrow? Are you involved with the development of it?

no, not whatsoever. just have heard of it.

They seemed to do well today and sold our their ICO.

cool. hopefully they gain some good traction and reel more players into the SMT domain...

My chakras are illuminating with pure source energy as I feel the divine presence set forth in your intention. I hereby summon all archangels ending in 'ael' to guide us from the 5th dimension in our search for peace and understanding through the heavenly abyss.

I have just constructed a vision board where steem will raise the consciousness of all of our beautiful human family - a world where every person no matter their race, color, social status, or belief system - we will all be able to finally share in one common goal - that each and everyone will have a fresh new Lambo.

👍I follow and upvote you. You follow and upvote me👌please !!!! @bestrakibul2

Amazing. All of us "young people" who understand crypto and computers can flip the world, stand up for our morals and do what's right. we can bring in a revolution no one could stop. These old geezers don't have a clue where the future is headed - technology-wise and if we can steal the reigns so to speak then we have a chance to save the planet. Loved your post. upvoted and resteemed. -Namaste


I guess that makes 66 the new 26! ;-)


Salutations! JaiChai here.

Loved your post.

I actually saw Buck's geodesic dome (EXPO '67) in Canada!

Yeah. I'm an old f*ck...



Hey again @rok-sivante

I agree with what you said fully. In fact, I even wrote about it a while ago, as I believe Steemit and projects like it give us a lot of tools to stop falling for the usual pitfals of society as we know it.

There are alot of reasons on why society is messed up, and we live in an age where we can actually help change it, so that is exciting.

On the other hand, I expect the following years to be a rollercoaster of changes, some good and some bad, and that we will face a lot of obstacles and corruptors that will try to pollute the ideal we have here.

It is up to society as a whole to vote with their adoptions and choices on which model they'll rather be.

I hope the changes come peacefully, but there will be a lot of resistance from certain elements of society.

The possibilities we have here are endless. Having the power to empower people instead of placing bounties on their head with high priced loans disguised as charity is one of them.

In the end, I hope everything goes well... but we'll be here to see and act if needed.
You can't hold this movement no more.

The bubble is bursting, but not the way FIAT Fanatics wanted it to.

Good post. Upvoted.


This Fuller quote of building a new model that makes the other obsolete is what the blockchain is doing at the moment. I can buy an ICO right from a hut in the middle of Africa with internet access without having to submit any document as is customary with buying IPO. The world just got smaller, but like every new thing, it must face some resistance. I remember when purchasing cryptocurrency is almost like committing money laundry in my country. The other day imagine my surprise to see the banker's forum talking about implementing some features of blockchain into banking.
I tell everyone that missed investing in cryptocurrency that the next best time to do it is now. This is a revolution, and it would surely be televised. I'm super grateful to be amongst the early guys that keyed into it by joining steemit some in August 2017.
I've personally brought up to 30 people here. Some do not realise there's more to steemit than the SBD and STEEM that is earned. Though most that left came running back when they heard SBD just hit $10. This is a revolution, and here you could build your empire if you wait long enough. I'm super stoked to be here! This is 1.56AM my time, and I'm in no way feeling sleepy :)

Gotta start by talking to them "where they live", so to speak. And we live in a very materialistic world, at least here in the US. So here we start with de-reifying "money"...

That is an a good strategy of how to get to them. You have to speak the language they understand. Thanks a lot.