Crypto-Slang for Super noobs ala Snekky!

in #crypto7 years ago

Welcome to the first edition of Crypto-Slang for Super noobs ala Snekky!

Ever had those moments when you find yourself in a conversation, and people start to throw with terms or words you seriously don't understand?

You know those weird moments when you nod yes and mean no? Those moments when you feel like a total lost cause and want burry yourself in a deep hole and never show your face again! Those moments when you wish you had a Taurus in your pocket or even better in your brain. Those moments when you say: "Uhu, uhu Oooohhh yessss, God yesssss No...I have no clue!

Ever since I joined Steemit, I had moments like this! For the longest time, I joined chats and hangouts on Discord and felt like I just entered HELL for Super noobs! Not because of the people! No, no... They were all amazing and super helpful, but the words they were throwing into the air made my ears shiver with fear! And trust me that looks rather weird!

Ever watched a person trying to fly with their ears? Because that was how I looked with my flapping and shivering ears. Not only did my ears want to escape, so did I. Fear wrapped around my throat, heart beating in my chest and I knew I had to leave!

BUT...Instead of leaving the room and finding a talk I could seriously understand I staid, and I did something even worse! I started to throw in my own slang to confuse myself even more while those sweet people started to talk to me even more and I ended up saying "Yes! Oh my God Yes and Uhu, Uhu, awful indeed, Oh gosh yes" While I started to cry a little inside, my heart now beating in my brain and my ears still flapping like they were the biggest wings ever.


And to help out all the other Super noobs I am sharing a few of the terms in this post.


Crypto-slang for Super Noobs



HODL is a weird word, and it confused me a lot! When I was told it meant Hold on for dear life I made the mistake to wrap myself tightly around someone and trust me, when I hold on, I hold on! Dragged across a room, over the floor... Never make that mistake when someone says the word Hodl. You see, this term means holding on to your coins because you don't see yourself selling them anytime soon. Fun fact: Hodl started after poor soul made a misspelling during the huge crash in 2013! This person wanted to write hold but I guess he or she was so nervous or typing super duper fast that it spelled hodl. People liked it so much that it became a well known and used word in the crypto world!.



Fomo is not to be confused with Fimo clay or foaming at the mouth. While FOMO sounds like a comfortable pillow, you want to hug you might want to reconsider. Fomo means; Fear of missing out! A FOMO moment could be you spotting a coin you have no clue about, but because the chart shows green and a nice high peak you start to shiver and shake, sweat might break out and drip down your pants. You sell a big part of the coins you already have only to quickly buy the coin you saw! Emotion trading......The fear of missing out!



When I heard the word FUD my mouth started to Foam ( Not to be confused with FOMO) and I saw this perfect image of a soft caramel brown fudge floating before my eyes. Hunger and greed kicked in because I had no fudge and I wanted to have fudge! It turned out, FUD had nothing to do with candy! I'll be darned! Just when I thought there was food or at least candy in the crypto world. After a whole week of sobbing, I learned that FUD means: fear, uncertainty, and doubt’. There are some BAD people out there who want to spread this FEAR by saying Bitcoin is a scam or Crypto is for bad people on craigslist. Well, they at least made me have a FUD moment when I feared I would never eat a fudge again....



I was pleasantly surprised that there are people who do mooning in the crypto world. When heard there was about to get some mooning done, I grabbed a bag of chips and sat down ready to watch some naked asses being thrown my way! Mooning is cool and can be cold indeed BUT.... In the Crypto world it means something else. Sad, tears, ate the whole bag of chips just to feel better. No nekked flesh, nor funny moments when you get a nice close up of that one ass you wanted.... There are no buttcheeks involved! Nevermind. Mooning on the Crypto planet means that a coin is having an explosive increase in value! The coin is going to the moon! I prefer buttcheeks but who am I right?


Thank you for reading my post!

I am not an expert and you should always do your own research!
Have a marvelous day and don't forget to smile

Best wishes



Above words are very interesting which I was unaware of...Now I can use these words in coming days..Thanks for sharing @poeticsnake

You are most welcome!
Lesson two will come soon so stay tuned!


The crucial crypto phrases . . . got to love in words . dont forget lambo !

I just knew the FUD and HODL slang which are actually crypto slang. 😝 Thank you for other slangs definition ❤️😝

HODL is really a confusing and weird slang 😖

You are most welcome! Mooning confused me the most! Still does! :D LOL
Thank you for reading and leaving a reply!


its very fuuny and wierd moment when you are unable to understand what people are saying to you but I pretend like I got it..Later on I try to research on words to understand what actually they were saying to me :):)...Useful words above listed by you @poeticsnake

Thank you ever so kindly! I was so tired of not knowing that I started to learn by listening and googling and anything else posible to learn more!


Nice post..even the words you have mentioned above is new to me because of that i really like you post ..its seems your are such a creative person keep it and supporting me because I am new for steemit ..Thanks for sharing...@poeticsnake

You are most welcome
Thank you for your reply!


Nice post snekky..i like your all post because I likeyour's really impressive.. Thanks for sharing us @poeticsnake

Thank you ever so kindly!
This post is not about the art but I did make all the pictures :D


hahaha! You are right when people start throwing new slangs or words its so embrassing when you dont understand but you pretend you have understood..I had same expreience many times when I talk to my American friend and they throw some words out of space of my friend and Just say Yes,Yes,yes ok...: )... even the words you have mentioned above is new to me..Thanks for sharing...@poeticsnake

Ha yes! Ooh gosh the moment I just sat there and said yupp, yess uhu and I had no clue! But, in time you learn and if you dive into things it goes even faster!


hahah!!! thats true even in time we learn...

Oh thats a useful post for me...its been a month I’m in steemit but I’m really confused about these words..I just understand what the meaning of hodl,fomo,fud,mooning.thanks for sharing snekky 😊really appreciate.

Thank you ever so kindly and you are very welcome!


Great post snekky, stay away from the fud

BUT I need the I mean... I really badly need that!

I happen to want to learn trending crypto, I was very lucky to get your post ...!!
This could be the my first lesson.
thanks @poeticsnake

You are most welcome!
And thank you for your support and kind words!
lesson 2 will be here soon!


thanks @poeticsnake I will waiting the next lesson!!
keep working :)

Hehe 😀😀

Great way to go Poetic with this cryptoslangs, I was always misconstrued with the hodl , always had this urge to say, hey check your spelling you made a mistake trying to spell hold, 😂😂😂.
Glad I came across this wonderful piece which has helped me learn about the crypto world and its term.

Thanks for educating me on this, I can now hodl my coins in the hope they start mooning soon enough.

Keep the great work going @poeticsnake, I'll be sure to tune in for more 😀😀🙌🙌

You are super duper welcome!
I like to learn in a fun with with a wink and I know many more people learn faster this way!
Thank you for your reply!
You made me smile!


Wow, I'm humbled, glad I made you smile. Thanks for being amazingly awesome, love your art works and your doodles, and now these slangs.
I'm gonna go all cryptoslangs on my friends 😀😀😀.

Keep going. Cheers