Following my post on "How to Earn Zilliqa Absolutely Free..." a new way to earn crypto has arrived in the form of a project called Oikos, the project itself seems to be some kind of exchange that operates on the Tron blockchain though this post is just to make people aware of the airdrop and is not necessarily an endorsement of the project, though if this is something that sounds interesting to you i urge you to carry out your own due diligence.

To be eligible for this airdrop there are three things that you will need, that being a Twitter account, Telegram account and a Tron wallet to receive your airdrop, most people will have a Twitter and Telegram account but if you need a Tron wallet i would avoid using an exchange wallet, I find TronLink to be a pretty straight forward wallet to use which i downloaded from the following link:
Once you have these three things all you need to do is follow some social media pages namely; Oikos' Twitter page, Oikos' Telegram and once you have done this you must register for the airdrop on the Oikos website fill out the form and submit, once you complete these steps you should receive your airdrop by the 19th May at the latest.

Thanks for reading and if you found this interesting consider upvoting, following and resteeming.
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Hi, good content, I'm already registred at Oikos Airdrop, thank you for this article.
Thanks for dropping by.
I can't miss this one, top Airdrop.