
How many Dapps does Steem currently have ?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think a better question is - How many of the DApps are actually useful and have real world applications.

I was just curious

Posted using Partiko iOS

I don't have an exact number, but this post ( ) shows the top 20 as of Sept. However, the number of users tails off quite dramatically. I think it's fair to say that currently their are only 5-10 Steem DApps that are reasonably used.![] ()

Dang, it would be nice if we could get more steemians to use some of these other dapps on the Steem blockchain. More activity away from may very well be how this place explodes with new user on-boarding

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes, the crypto prices have fallen, but a few Dapp developers I've talked to are working round the clock right now.

Here we go: The list is growing.