Introducing Erik Finman

in #crypto6 years ago

I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to the Metal Pay community and share with you our vision for what we’re building.

My name is Erik Finman – you may know me as the youngest Bitcoin millionaire in the world. Or through the satellite I launched with others teenagers as a teenager. Or through the robotic exo-skeleton I built. Or through the EdTech startup I launched and sold.

No matter how you found out about me, or are just meeting me for the first time.

I’m excited to announce I’m teaming up with Marshall Hayner to revamp Metal Pay and build this to be bigger and better than before. Metal Pay is the first ever all-in-one digital banking platform for cryptocurrency and is going to become one of the biggest players in the financial industry. I’m excited to work with the Metal Pay team to help revolutionize how people of all ages buy, sell, trade, and invest.

I’m prepared to put all of my Bitcoin holdings into this project – that’s how much I believe in what we’re building. Stay tuned for plenty of big announcements about Metal in the coming days, we have lots of exciting news to share with you. Get ready – things are about to start moving quickly.

Welcome to the next stage of the Crypto Revolution!

Learn more about Metal Pay here.


Does @metalpay use a Steem wallet that’s different from this blogging account?

And are there plans to actually allow people to transfer “their” STEEM from their Metal Pay account to their actual Steem wallets? Last I heard, back on July 8th, the Metal Pay team was working on it.

You have a Steem wallet that you’re using with this account...with pretty much no STEEM in it. If you have a Steem wallet and are selling STEEM to your customers, then they should be able to transfer that STEEM from your holding account to their own. But you claim to not have that functionality and whether or not you actually have STEEM is unknown.

At this point, Metal Pay is not looking very non-scammy.

But, isn't this stinc approved?
Featured even?
If they are 'selling steem' that isn't on the chain, wtf?

Setting aside the fact that the STEEM being sold isn't on-chain, and setting aside the fact that STEEM bought off-chain cannot be sent from one Steem account to another ... @ats-david is making a much more fundamental point:

Does @metalpay use a Steem wallet that’s different from this blogging account?

If 100 people bought 1.000 STEEM each, it would be a good idea if @metalpay would make some effort to show where this 100.000 STEEM is secured on-chain. Even if they must manually do the transfers to the hot-wallet.

The first place one might look when investigating this is here:

But there's no STEEM secured there. So where is it secured?

The plot thickens,...


Hi Erik I never knew you would join us on STEEM. Anyways WELCOME!

OMG you are so full of yourself it isn’t even funny! lol jkSure did take you a long time to find STEEM though? U found us when we were already ded, doesn't sound too Eric Finnmany to me?? Finnmonmeychristmas!(Saw u on TV, btw if you really are who you say you are, I have a hard time believing. So u going to buy one million steem, or at least a couple hundred K?

“No matter how you found out about me, or are just meeting me for the first time.

That is a sentence fragment, flag! Might even be the first paragraph fragment i’ve ever seen! Someone like Eric Finnman should have a writing department to catch these, that's why I am doubtful! Welcome to Steemit!
Followed, can't wait for you to prove me wrong!

Sounds good to me!

Hi Erik, welcome to Steem and congrats on the linkup with Steemit. There are some great synergies and I look forward to being able to use MetalPay linked to my Steem account.

Flagged because u assume it is really him, I’m not convinced yet. I say scam until I am proven wrong! I could be wrong but just explaining the reason for my flags.

It appears the guy might be selling steem that is not on the chain.