MeBoyO - Crypto taking a dive

in #crypto8 years ago

My crypto portfolio has taken a 25%+ dive in value!

And I'm trying not to panic, and thinking about it I dont think I should panic,

Well, for one, my portfolio is rather small compared to many many others, my total investment so far is only £200, and it's value as of 1430hrs today was £148.
Yes I know you are suppose to buy high and sell low, but I like to be different!

Another reason is that I got into crypto for the long run, as I think they are going to be the future of finance and will go big, sooner or later.
so I shouldn't worry and panic over the ups and downs of this somewhat new market.
I will study and learn over time, and hopefully come to fully understand the why's where's and what's of crypto, so maybe just maybe I'll make good decisions about my portfolio.

And finally if I had placed the money I've invested into my crypto portfolio, onto the horses or into a card game, two things I enjoy doing.
I would no doubt have lost it all by now, as even though I enjoy doing them, I am terrible at picking winning horses or keeping a strait face when dealt a good hand, both things required to make money.

So in conclusion,
my crypto portfolio, small as it may be, still has value and also has the posibility to grow when the markets change and make an upturn!

NOTE TO SELF - Don't panic, hold fast!

Thank you for reading, and if you enjoyed, please follow me to see how I do in the future.



thats what ive been telling everyone, when youre down strengthen your position,

Well, looking at things this morning my investment is down 37%,
so abit of a worry, good thing I keep it small.
Will do a portfolio post, but it looks like I'll grab a slice of Ethereum
while its down in price.
Thanks for the advise.

Thank you for the advice