The Future of Crypto and Its impact on creators of all sectors in the design industry.

in #crypto6 years ago

The future of crypto and the the design industry looks exciting, and I look forward to the emerging algorithms for AI Deep learning and crypto fusions in terms of paying AI to design search specific designs and creations for the engineering industry and the proceeds going into server farms growing the deep learning algorithms further.

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If in the near future an AI farm could dictate the designs of our future building infrastructure and car manufacturing industry, would we look like neanderthals in comparison? Would Tesla look like the small child in a hurricane of new innovative technology so vast that we cannot comprehend it? We would live in a society built by the code we designed and would rewrite the term that history repeats itself.

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This is a daunting thought, but I cannot possibly see it turning into a positive aspect as life itself will be unrecognizable and a concept so foreign, I myself cannot begin to comprehend it.

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If you are in the deep learning field or are fond of this post please comment and share your opinions as I would love to hear your perspectives on this particular topic.